Slice of Life 6: Bucket List

(During March, I am blogging daily as a part of  the Slice of Life Story Challenge!)

What’s on my bucket list?

Here are some possibilities (no particular order)

  • Travel to Europe
  • Go on a cruise
  • Go to a college football bowl game
  • Sleep on a beach
  • Watch the sunset with the love of my life
  • Write a book
  • Be a building principal
  • Spend the Christmas holidays on the San Antonio boardwalk
  • Have a summer family reunion
  • As an adult, vacation/travel with my parents
  • Design and build a house
  • Go white-water rafting
  • Drive in a mud-run
  • Own my own motorcycle
  • Ride a motorcycle to the top of Pike’s Peak
  • Go to a drive-in movie
  • Canoe and camp overnight on the river
  • Spend 24 hours reading for fun
  • Have an article published for $
  • Develop a class for teachers about writing


Halt the presses!

(Couldn’t resist! – small pun; wordpress blog)

Oh, my goodness, a list of 20 things

That I have already DONE!

What about the list of things YET to be done?  Is it really that I have gone so many places and done so many things?  Or is it a sign of my wise old age that I have done the things that I wanted throughout the years?

My REAL bucket list:
  • Peace on Earth because Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait the day my son was born.  The name or the location of bullies may have changed but basic human freedoms are important world-wide.
My DREAM list –  I dream of a world where 
  • Thoughtfulness, kindness and respect for people of all ages, races, color, creed, sexual orientation is not only valued but is the order of the day
  • All people would have basic necessities to not only survive but to thrive
  • Natural curiosity is encouraged  and welcomed
  • The physical and emotional well-being of every person was equally important to everyone
  • Hatred would be wiped from the face of the Earth

And purely personal wishes:

  • Congress members would be required to personally serve in the military (or spouse/children) before he/she could vote to send troops outside the continental USA (or maybe as a prerequisite to running for office). There is a uniquely different perspective when it becomes personal and a part of your waking life.
  • Congress members would get 1 / 2 the annual average teacher pay raise when all 5 of these are met :
      • paid based on their performance (Pass a budget each year or NO pay)
      • must work at least 200 days per year
      • no retirement as they cannot serve over 20 years
      • no campaigning until 60 days before reelection
      • maximum campaign expenditures of $ 100,000 per term served

Just a few of the thoughts roaming inside my head!

Do you have a bucket list?  Or a dream list?

The inspiration for this post came from   Go check out the variety in that exhaustive list!

Special thanks to the hosts of the Slice of Life Challenge:  StaceyTaraDanaBetsyAnna, and Beth.   More Slice of Life posts can be found at  Two Writing Teachers .



Please read the comments below! Readers have added some excellent ideas for Congress!



23 responses

  1. Fran, I am so impressed. Wow, taking time to write each day and share your story. Love your bucket list and dream list

    1. Thanks, Lou!
      I believe, very strongly, that writing teachers are better teachers when they write A LOT! I’m working on that!

  2. I chuckled at your ideas for congress! Maybe they should be required to work together as an added requirement? Thanks for a great idea for a future post.

    1. Janna,
      That is so true! Darn I wish I had thought of that! Back to that “everything I learned in kindergarten” idea.

      I am so glad that you now have an idea for a future post!

  3. Like Jaana, I love your congressional bucket list. I think they should have to take a state test! Or give one to kids who struggle in school!

    1. Carol,

      That’s a perfect addition to my “requirements” for a raise. I cannot believe I forgot that!


  4. So many things you’ve done! It’s fun to be able to check items off a list and have an adventure.
    I so with Congress would read your list. My husband suggested that they should no longer be able to deduct expenses related to their job since they removed that item for teachers.
    A dream list is for living in a perfect world, such a nice thought.

    1. Thanks! I think I will have about 20 items on the list for Congress soon – had not thought of deductions for expenses either! I suppose they get to deduct “travel home” on weekends although we cannot be paid mileage for driving to work! Maybe I can be more inclusive with “and follow all the rules that they have mandated for teachers!”

  5. What a wonderful read. Dream big

    1. Thanks for commenting! I like dreaming big!

  6. So many interesting things Fran. Paints a great picture of you. I REALLY like your wishes for Congress. I couldn’t agree more and could add a few. They need some real world experiences. It also made me think of a round of posts based on bucket lists. I’d make mine especially big. Lots of things I have YET to do.

    1. Thanks, Julieanne!

      Love “real world experiences!” = another idea that I had not thought of for Congress!

      LOVE “YET!”

  7. When I came to the part about Congress, I wanted to stand up and cheer. Thank you, Fran, for this thoughtful list -personal, but universal.

    1. Thanks, Tara!

      I deleted that part twice but then I decided that it really was not “political” but more on the line of “common sense!”

  8. One thing that is so lovely about online communities like this is getting to know people we might not have met otherwise. I had no idea you were a principal. And that you’ve slept on a beach!
    I love the format of this piece and I responded so much to your wishes. Bravo!

    1. Thanks, Anna!

      I am not now a principal. . . It really was a matter of economics so I added that to my possible list of blog topics.

      Last summer at #tcrwp Writing Institute, my narrative was stuck at grade 3 (and not a happy grade 3) so I am working very hard at “ratcheting up my writing!”

  9. I love the fact that it was a list of things you had already done!! I am glad that my post inspired you!!

    1. Thanks so much for the inspiration. I have been blessed with opportunities to do a variety of things in my life. It was a good time to reflect on them, with a twist!

  10. You’ve had so many adventures, Fran, but I really love your list of wishes for the world. They seem so simple, yet I’m always puzzled that they aren’t easier to achieve. I hope you mailed you list of suggestions to your congressperson!

    1. Thanks, Catherine!
      Did you see curiosity in there? Love that!

      I’m working on a “part 2” for the Congress part!

  11. You have done so much, Fran! What an amazing list of accomplishments. I’m particularly impressed with the motorcycle riding! The more serious wishes for the world are beautiful and so eloquently expressed. Thank you!

    1. Thanks, Melanie!

      It’s easy to have a long list at MY age! Thankful for all my opportunities. Would not have ever guessed that “growing up on the farm!”

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