Slice of Life 7: Exhaustion

(During March, I am blogging daily as a part of  the Slice of Life Story Challenge!)

It has been a long week.  A lot of emotional highs, lows, highs and lows all in one very, very long Tuesday (Slice of life post 5: Coming Home).  Exhaustion = “extreme tiredness; fatigue.”  Is it exhaustion or is it just low energy and the thought of all the things on my “to do” list?

A brisk one mile walk and my mind is racing.

List is made.

That first cup of coffee,

Posts read,

Post written,

Posts read.

Face book message read,

Face book message written,

Plans made.

Life organized,

Work organized,

Day is beginning . . . .

Sleep in tomorrow?

No, not tomorrow!

#EdcampIowa tomorrow!

What is your morning routine?  How do you overcome that tired, exhausted feeling at the end of the week?

Special thanks to the hosts of the Slice of Life Challenge:  StaceyTaraDanaBetsyAnna, and Beth.   More Slice of Life posts can be found at  Two Writing Teachers .

14 responses

  1. I’m not sure we ever overcome the busy lives we all seem to lead! Maybe that’s why retirement sounds like such a wonderful time . . . because there is more TIME 🙂

    1. Thanks, Lynn!
      It really is all about how we allocate our time! But the demands on our time sure don’t seem to lessen unless it is “retirement.” Good point!

  2. Your morning routine sounds a lot like mine, except my walk comes at the end. I count on that time to shift gears from home to school.

    1. Thanks for commenting Adrienne. It is always nice to have the time to shift gears from home to school/work – mine is usually my drive time.

  3. Wow Fran, I wrote about the same thing! And reading the comments, it sounds like a lot of us are are all on the same wavelength. EdcampIA will keep you going! I went to my first Edcamp this month, and loved it. I hope Sunday offers a little more rest for all of us.

    1. Julieanne,
      I was debating with myself about even going to EdcampIA because we are to have sleet tonight. But it’s a different kind of energizing! And a totally different group to mix with.

      I keep thinking of that phrase “no rest for the wicked” and wondering if I am really that wicked or just not at the point of saying NO “yet!”

  4. As tired as I am at the end of the week, I am also grateful that the tiredness comes from doing work I love and doing my best to do it well. I’ve heard great things about Edcamp…maybe some day!

    1. Tara, that is so true!
      I am so thankful that my worrying about overseas has ended, but this week just has been exhausting. Again this week I was able to say that “I am glad that I get paid for talking!” I love my work but some weeks it is 18/7 which reduces the “fun” and “increases the tired.”

  5. My morning routine? Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahaha! I have an infant and a four year old. Need I say more?

    1. Love it! That is your routine!!!

      Cherish those days! They grow up all too quickly!

      1. Beth, Also love that you still have your sense of humor! Mine was lost this morning!

  6. Phew! I’m exhausted reading your post. Several of the things that energize me most, though, are on your list– time outside, time to write, time to connect with friends, and finally learning something new! You are going to love EdCamp- an amazing process just watching the sessions get planned out!

    1. Thanks, Carol!

      I have been to two Edcamps so I know it is a real treat! But when I look at my “to do” list, I wonder if I should be “marking stuff off” and trudging through it instead. My decision is “NO” because #EdCampIowa will be ENERGIZING!

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