#SOL20: Farewell, Celebrate!

New decade, new year, new days, new words!

One Little Word has a rich heritage and you can see my process in my 2019 choice here as well as my previous words.

  • 2014    Transfer
  • 2015     Focus
  • 2016    Joyful
  • 2017    Brave
  • 2018    Curious
  • 2019    Celebrate

My path to my 2020 word was lengthier than usual. Holidays. Celebrations. Family Events. Holiday Bowl. Travel. Celebrations. Joy. Travel Delays.

These words and this process were a part of my final review as I continued to search for graphics that would help depict my #OLW for 2020.

Screenshot 2020-01-07 at 4.19.16 AM

I tested out graphics on google docs.  Which would make the best blog wallpaper?

I continually returned to . . .

Screenshot 2020-01-07 at 4.16.18 AM

The continuous cycle.

The “compactness” of the process.



Empower . . .

Yes, interrelated!

But, it all begins with Envision!

Without Envision, there is no goal, no target, no objective!

From Vocabulary.com, here’s the definition:

Screenshot 2020-01-14 at 6.56.13 AM

“Imagine a cause to be seen”


What’s your #OLW?

How will it guide you in 2020?

Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this weekly forum. Check out the writers and readers here.

Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.12.16 AM.png

Envisioning a “Happy Birthday” for my brother today!

15 responses

  1. Oooh, I love it! I can see so many connections! With your envisioning and my moxie who knows what the year will bring!?

    1. Erika! We need to meet up on line some weekend with a holiday so we can surpass time changes and consider “envision and moxie” together!

  2. Wonderful and so interesting.

    1. Thanks. It’s fun to choose a word as a focus for the year!

  3. Envision is such a great word! I may have to steal it next year. There is action toward a goal but also the dream. I look forward to seeing how this word plays out for you this year.

    1. Margaret,
      I agree. I love that it’s not JUST the dream but also can be the HOW to achieve the dream. (or at least that’s how I am thinking now!)

  4. Good word. Something that invites dreaming, creating and innovating.
    My word is “Thrive.”

    1. Love “thrive” as it has many layers. I think words that invite us to think are all so powerful!

  5. I can see how it would tough to say goodbye to celebrate. I felt the same way about savor and delight. But envision has so much possibility. Enjoy!

    1. Ramona, oooh, savor . . . You know it’s really a good word when it lingers!

  6. I blogged last week about my OLW – wonderful(l) Love envision. Hoping it is going to work in my favor this year – we can envision together!! I will be in touch soon!

    1. Clare, love wonderful and that will work well for you this year! Think of all the wonderful knowledge that you have to begin this decade!!! ❤

  7. There is immense beauty in envision. I can’t think of anything but hope and joy coming from envisioning and setting great goals for a fruitful future.

    1. Betsy, Hopeful was another reason that envision won . . . The fact that it may be the best way to start a whole new decade!

  8. Great word, Fran. It conveys a sense of moving on and growing and not being stagnant, taking action and not being passive. Looking forward to reading what you envision and where it leads you.

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