Slice of Life 4: “Change of plans”

slice of life


“Where we love is home,
Home that the feet may leave,
but not our hearts.”
― Oliver Wendell Holmes

The post that I now have to save for Day 5,  due to a “change of plan/ status update” by an “uncle,” is most representative of Oliver Wendell Holmes.  However, if my son had ruby slippers, I am sure that he would click the heels together and say, “There’s no place like home” if there was any reasonable hope to believe it would bring him home sooner!


Empty boots

Sitting by the bed.


Waiting to be filled

By your feet.


Counting down the minutes

Til you are home, safe and sound, again.

20 responses

  1. Oh Fran,
    Hope he’s home soon. Skyped with my son yesterday and thought of yours. God speed.

    1. Remembered your blog yesterday when trying to make a decision. Drive 8 hours. Visit 2 hours at max. Drive 8 hours back. Unfortunately, I will make a 3 day weekend instead!
      Thanks, Julieanne!

  2. What great imagery – anticipation.

    1. Thanks! Your comment is helpful from a “reader’s” perspective. Answers my question of, “Did I get my message across?” I am working hard at expanding my writing repertoire!

  3. What a great poem for inferring and close reading!

    1. Thanks, there is so much that we literally are not allowed to say! Flirting with that “edge” does lead to inferences. Thanks for noticing and noting!

  4. Oh how I wish I could send your son a pair of ruby slippers! I do know how much he loves “home” – that and his Hawkeyes. 🙂

    1. Yes, if wishes came true the plane would be flying at supersonic speeds! Thanks so much!

  5. Beautiful! I wrote about something similar yesterday – counting the moments until I’m home to my baby son after work. I loved reading your piece because I know those feelings will never go away, no matter how old he is, I’ll still count the moments, hoping he’s safe and sound.

    1. Thanks, Anna! Your “baby” is always just that. Mine is 22, married to the most fabulous daughter-in-law in the world. . . but it helps to know that he is “en route” and “coming home.” The agony is the delay . . . YET again!

  6. Love that poem – I’ve had so many moments of similar waiting. I am curious about the framing of this slice, though, and am looking forward to tomorrow’s all the more.

    1. Thanks, Tara. I felt like I had no choice under some basic Army guidelines.

  7. Gotta love Uncle Sam!

    1. So true! I’ve been practicing on “contrast and contradiction” – plenty of opportunities! LOL

  8. Loved the repetition in your poem as well. It really accented those words to fill them with more power and meaning! The anticipation has to be so hard! Safe travels and hope your son is home soon!

    1. Thanks, Michelle!

      I have always loved the power of words and amaze myself with how my OCD sometimes pushes me off the cliff!

  9. Your poem conveys such a sense of longing and anticipation in just a few lines. Well done! Wishing your son safe travels.

    1. Thanks, Catherine!

      Your words remind me that sometimes “less really is more” and that assigning “x” lengths of work is often counterproductive!

  10. Hoping that your son somehow finds his ruby slippers and makes it home really, really quickly!

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