Tag Archives: writing process

#SOLSC: Planning

Diet Pepsi? Check
Pizza pzazzed up and ready for the oven? Check
Oven preset? Check
TV set to the correct channel? Check
Family messages? Check
5 minutes
300 seconds
Inane chatter from the announcers
ESPN with the wrong school name on the screen.
250 seconds/
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Anxious. Excited. Nervous.
I was ready. My planning had paid off. My tasks were complete and it was time to enjoy the game. Tip off couldn’t come soon enough. It was time to get this show on the road. The last home game. A few more records to break.
I plan for many things. I have notes in my calendar. I have lists in my notebooks. I have spreadsheets. I’m usually organized, but often have to double-check to make sure that my plan and my vision are meeting. It’s easy for one or the other to get a bit out of line and require a bit of revision (or re-vision).
This is my life. Plan for a project. Plan for a meal. Plan for a trip. Plan to pack. Plan for travel arrangements. Plan for . . .
Do I always plan for my writing? I believe I do . . . if my oral or my silent “in my head rehearsal” counts as a plan. Words aren’t always on the paper or screen. I may have touched my fingers to count off planning steps. But there is a goal with a first attempt plan for meeting that goal.
Does that sound familiar? Yep, I’m still stuck on process and thinking about when the process intersects with my life.
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Revision and Feedback in the center (see yesterday’s post) and the title somewhere else.
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What does your planning stage look like? When do you plan? Why do you plan?
Thanks for sharing your real-world examples of revising yesterday. Vivian’s reminder of the revisions when making jewelry choices or clothing choices when getting dressed, or rehearing poetry like Thomas said added so many more revision details to our repertoires.
The game intro

Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this daily forum in March. Check out the writers and readers here.
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#SOLSC21: By the numbers

Typically when I participate in the #SOLSC I number my posts and get the shell format done in advance. Sometimes for the entire month. Sometimes for the week. This year, during the never-ending pandemic, I am not numbering them. The March numbers just don’t seem as relevant.

What is relevant?

As an author:

I write blog posts for two blogs: Resource-full and Literacy Lenses.

I have written 856 posts for Resource-full.

I take my turn writing blog posts, approximately 10 per year, at Literacy Lenses for #G2Great. (link)

My goal has been to be more “in the moment” with my writing so that I can wing it if necessary when life consumes my writing. What does that mean? I’m also more reflective about my writing. In ten days this month, my posts have included:

Planning and Playfulness: “And before that” and “Fortunately/Unfortunately

Risk-Taking: Making and Fail

Revision: Revision and Palindromes

Celebrating: Celebrating and today’s “By the Numbers”

Goal Setting: Timing and Living

How does your writing reflect your goals and purposes? How does your writing reflect your beliefs and what you value about writing? How do your stories about writing create a more complete picture of writing? What themes do you see emerging in your own writing?


Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this daily forum during the month of March. Check out the writers and readers here.

Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.12.16 AM.png

Poetry: Love/Hate

Screenshot 2018-04-06 at 9.08.10 AM.png


Today’s post is based on the mentor text, “I Hate Poetry”, by a Virginia middle school student.  Her poem can be found here (and all the comments that she responded to individually.  The comments tell exactly why she “hates” poetry!).

How do you feel about poetry? 

Which version best matches your experiences?

Screenshot 2018-04-05 at 1.22.51 PM.png

Happy Poetry Friday!

( Click here for more info about Poetry Friday.)


  • Read student’s poem.
  • Studied the rhyme scheme.
  • Jotted down some ideas to include.
  • Decided that I wanted definite stanzas (so drafting outside of WordPress).
  • Used the student’s ideas for the first stanza.
  • Decided to repeat part of the first stanza in the closing stanza.
  • Drafted, revised, drafted!


#SOL17: Stuck or in a Rut?

Two eyes, glowing in the reflection of my headlights, joined by another pair, and then another pair as I see the dreaded white flicker . . .

White-tailed deer

Not to be confused with those other deer, reindeer, also visible during this season, and recognizable by my two and a half year old grandson.

My foot has already hit the brake, my thumb on the horn, sounding out a staccato beat that matches the prayer on my lips,

Please don’t run across the road. Please don’t try to jump across my car. Please, NO!”

Great draft.

Great first words.

But what next?

I’m stuck.

Do I start something new?

Do I begin at a different point?

Is it time for a flashback?

What can I google?

Do any of those responses sound familiar? 

(And yes, you can Google what to do when you get stuck and you will get these types of links:  here, here and here for over 125 ways to get unstuck.)

What is the simple truth about getting unstuck?

You must keep writing.

Take a short break.

Observe something.

Walk around.

But return to your writing.  Recopy your last word, line, paragraph or — to get your writing flow moving.  Your writing does not need to be stellar.  Your writing needs to be WRITING!

I’m purposefully writing this “stream of consciousness” because of the #TeachWriting chat where we talked about writing. (Storify here)

Ruth Ayres, author of this amazing book,

Screenshot 2017-12-04 at 9.23.49 PM

said this:

Screenshot 2017-12-04 at 9.26.08 PM

So now I am off on a tangent,

not stuck,

but I have abandoned my story line for this:

Screenshot 2017-12-04 at 9.31.32 PM.png

and I am so off track (excuse the pun)

but I feel productive because I continue to add words, lines and pictures to my blog post.

Meanwhile, back on the ranch, 

What are those 3 sets of deer eyes doing? 

Have they moved? 

Where did my story go?

Has that ever happened to you?

Have you ever been lost, but found a totally different path?  and then realized that path was so different it was unconnected, so now you had to go back to the original story?

With work, revision, and some sharp scissors, this might become a circle story . . .


But not today!

CCSS. CCRA.W.5. “Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.”

I wish I had a plan. This was truly the randomness of my thinking.  A variety of ideas floating through my head.

But I did not stop writing.

I looked for ideas

. . . and then I wrote

. . . and wrote

. . . and wrote.

It’s 321 words later and I’m still struggling to figure out where my story is going?

How stuck?

Screenshot 2017-12-04 at 9.45.45 PMScreenshot 2017-12-04 at 9.46.39 PMScreenshot 2017-12-04 at 9.48.46 PMScreenshot 2017-12-04 at 9.52.42 PM

Ankle deep?  Knee deep?  Waist deep?  Up to my chin?

How stuck?

Or in a rut?

Screenshot 2017-12-04 at 9.58.05 PM.png

And just like that the glowing eyes decided not to fight tonight.  Not to risk life and limbs crossing the road.  They merely paused . . . and stared . . .

And I blinked, slowed, and cautiously continued on my way.

Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Deb, Kathleen, Lanny, Melanie, and Stacey for this weekly forum. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here.                                                                                                      slice of life 2016

Current status of my draft:

Two eyes, glowing in the reflection of my headlights, joined by another pair, and then another pair as I see the dreaded white flicker . . .

White-tailed deer

Not to be confused with those other deer, reindeer, also visible during this season, and recognizable by my two and a half year old grandson.

My foot has already hit the brake, my thumb on the horn, sounding out a staccato beat that matches the prayer on my lips,

Please don’t run across the road. Please don’t try to jump across my car. Please, NO!”

And just like that the glowing eyes decided not to fight tonight.  Not to risk life and limbs crossing the road.  They merely paused . . . and stared . . .

And I blinked, slowed, and cautiously continued on my way.

At this stage, what are you thinking?

. . . And why? 

How do you get unstuck?

Do you have tested-tried-and-true ways that work to get you unstuck? 

Or are you in a rut?

#SOL17: Silver Lake

Where do YOU begin?

Here’s a simple list of words from my writing notebook

Begun with an early morning observation

Sipping coffee

Waking up

At Silver Lake

Some words from the present.

Some from the past.

Some added over time.


How does a list evolve?



What categories would you make?

While waiting for inspiration to strike,

I’ve learned to keep my fingers moving across the keyboard.

Looking for photos

Looking for organization

and word clouds suddenly appeared in my brain.

word cloud oneword cloud twoword cloud threeword cloud fourword cloud five

Changing colors

Changing shapes

Changing colors

Adding a filter.

Using a visual as a stimulus . . .

Ready to write!

One of Those Moments

One of those moments

Etched on my cornea

Burnt into my brain

Captured in my heart

Gray sky

Combinations of clouds

White, thin, wispy

Surrounded by large and fluffy white-topped clouds

With an under girding of gray

Ready for a sprinkle or

Perhaps a shower or

Sheets of rain or

Buckets full pouring from the heavens

Harmony in thoughts shared

Rich in laughter

Engrossed in fun

So much to do!

A boat ride,


Writing talk,

3 Truths and a Lie, and

Learning to play a ukelele.


Voxer Cousins






Bound together by a few moments in time

One of those perfect summer moments!


June 24 – Silver Lake, MN

How do your thoughts become your ideas?  

What shapes your format?

Where does your organization come from?  

How do you share this process with your students?

Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Deb, Kathleen, Lanny, Lisa, Melanie, and Stacey for this weekly forum. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here.                                                                                                      Process:

My first draft was totally a description – what I saw, heard and felt while outside

But it seemed really boring

And felt like it could be any lake anywhere

So this is Draft Two . . . after some revision!


#DigiLitSunday: Digital Writing

digilitCheck out additional #DigiLit Sunday posts with Margaret Simon here.


How does a post come to fruition?

Here’s an inside look at the content and the process for today’s post.

What’s the focus?


Where did my idea come from?

My idea was to tell how a post originated from one idea/ one tour during my recent trip to Rome. It was a topic that I briefly addressed two weeks ago (while in Rome) under the topic of Motivation here.


My “S-Notes” on my phone which I used frequently on this trip.

s notes.png

But WHAT am I going to write about the catacombs?

This is the stage where I pour a cup a coffee, add categories and tags, go for a walk with Mya, because sometimes the “ideas” actually work themselves out in my head. I draft in my head multiple times before I begin to put fingers to the keyboard.

I briefly addressed this topic in an earlier post.  I thought I was done writing about it.  But my brain won’t let go.  I bought books at the gift shop.  Books . . . books that I am currently reading . . . curious about the “bits and pieces” that I learned while traveling and now want to add to my knowledge.

Does that ever happen to you?

Google’s response to the word “catacomb” was that they were present in London, Paris and Rome.  Many locations, many purposes, but my connection to “world civilizations” was in Rome.  “Rome Catacombs” led me to some interesting sources including National Geographic and the Vatican.  The Vatican source seemed the most promising as the National Geographic source had already pointed out that the Vatican owned all of the Christian Catacombs (numbering 40 known ones at this time).

(Yes, I went to google first with “Catacombs”, then “Roman Catacombs” and then “Calixtus Catacombs”.)

What specific information was I looking for?

I wanted to know more about “deacon Calixtus, who would later become pope (217-222), the task of supervising the cemetery of the Appian Way, where the most important pontiffs of the third century would be buried.” (Source: Vatican)

Our tour began with story boards and I was hooked.


Picture taken of tour guide and story board. 09.01.16  fgmcveigh

Our guide was amazing.  The stories were riveting.  And now I’m embroiled in learning more about the catacombs. Sixteen different popes were buried in this set of catacombs along with 50 martyrs.  But this was also the burial place for the common persons during the second through fourth centuries.  The oldest tombs are those in the top levels as later tombs were dug below those previously interred.

What was the most interesting story for me?

The story of St. Cecilia, the patron saint of music, who was martyred and who is also revered as an “incorrupt” saint.  Incorruptibility is a Roman Catholic belief that divine intervention allows some human bodies (specifically saints) to avoid the normal process of decomposition after death as a sign of their holiness.



Today, once I had settled on my topic, The Catacombs of Callisto, I drafted. I did not revise.  I did do some minor editing – especially checking my quotation marks.  I also used the spell check embedded in WordPress.

What’s your digital writing process?  

Is it EXACTLY like your handwritten process?

Draft to publication:  1 hour and 42 minutes (I was lost in pictures for a bit.)




#TCRWP Writing: Takeaways Day 3

Jack Gantos was the featured keynote today during the TCRWP June 2016 Writing Institute. And he ended with

See the stories and be the person who can write the story.

          If they  can write them, YOU can write them, too!!!

What a challenge!  

If they (the students in your classrooms / your buildings) can write them,

YOU (all the adults in the auditorium – teachers, coaches, administrators) can write them (the stories), too!!!

Do you write?

Do you write on a regular basis?

The questions above were designed intentionally for you to think about your writerly life.  How do your students know that you are a writer?  Do you demonstrate your own writing?  Do you use your own writing in your explanations?   How do you “DO” these focused rewrites as Jack Gantos named them?  How do you teach them?

Screenshot 2016-06-23 05.32.51.png

Closing Keynote

Jack Gantos

The Writer’s Journal:  Content, Structure, Rewrites = Success


  1. Elements from picture books are the SAME elements you find in short stories and that you will also use in setting up your writing journal so you can’t say, “Nothing interesting happens to you!” JG
  2. Your job when you sit down to write is to press the go button; you want to get words on the paper! JG
  3. Jack’s writing process:  2 hours 1st draft writing;  2 hours 2nd draft writing and then candy = 2 hours of reading! Another 2 hours of work after the scheduled reading. JG
  4. Don’t wait to read until the end of the day when you are too tired to remember what you read!
  5. If stop at physical ending, you will miss the emotional ending – what connects to the reader . . .JG

What Methods Do We Use with Mentor Texts?

Today, I heard Celena, Colleen, and Emily all talk the same language/consistent message about the instructional methods used with mentor texts depending on the purpose/needs of your students.

Demonstration Writing – How to do it step by step

  • Has voice over of “how to do it”
  • Might begin with a frame
  • Shared writing
  • Zero shame in using demonstration writing from the  Units of Study IF it fits!
  • Be aware that not all pieces work as well as others!

Explanation / Example

  • Here’s the text and the explanation
  • Example of how to take mentor text and put it into action
  • Not step by step

Inquiry (Colleen Cruz details)

  • Powerful in terms of agency and independence
  • Learning theory – What student discover on own sticks more!
  • Not everything is best taught with inquiry
    • Sometimes there is content you need to know
    • “Putting your hand in hot oven will burn it – don’t need to learn from inquiry
    • That would be irresponsible
    • No way to discover strategies – kids will not find boxes and bullets on their own
  • Don’t use inquiry if only ONE right answer = allow differences!!
  • 3 favorite things to teach during Inquiry
    • Craft
    • Structure
    • Conventions
  • Inquiry is good for ALL kids!

Centers (Emily)

  • Develop task cards
  • Combine inquiry with structure/small groups
  • Include discussion as rehearsal

Takeaways for Methods of Instruction:

  1. There is no one method of instruction that works ALL the time for all students!
  2. Match your Method of Instruction with the needs of your students.
  3. Check your methods for when you PLANFULLY teach/provide for “transfer work”.
  4. Consider when students are able to “Do the work themselves”.
  5. Always consider: “Would the students be better off writing?” Is “THIS” teacher talk time really more important than student writing time?


How do we demonstrate process with mentor texts?

I also heard Celena, Collen, and Emily talk about both the need for as well as how to demonstrate process with mentor texts.  This seems easiest with teacher or student texts. But you can also go to Melissa Stewart’s website for a behind the scenes look at the process involved in writing No Monkeys, No Chocolate here.  That book was not written overnight!

In Celena’s session today, we actually worked on making our own process mentor texts with a plan for writing, first draft, first draft with some revisions, and draft fancied up!

Takeaways for demonstrating process:

  1. Physical revision (flaps, post-its, cross-outs, different colored ink) clearly shows that revision has occurred.
  2. Having “process” pieces that literally show the progression of work is helpful for revision conferences.
  3. Process pieces that show revision – at all stages of the writing process – keep the focus on continual rereading and revision.
  4.  You need clear expectations for student writing – for yourself as the teacher and also for your students.
  5. You need a vision for your student writing.

What do you see as emerging themes for the week?

Day 1 link

Day 2 link

What have you learned this week?

(Internet difficulties again interfered with pictures and the structure of this piece!)


For further reading, writing, response, or reflection:

Jack Gantos

Remodeling the Workshop, Lucy Calkins on Writing Instruction Today

 Takeaways from TCRWP Writing Institute 2016  – Teachers and Students Lifelong Learners

TC Reading and Writing Project on Vimeo – 59 videos 










#SOL16: March Challenge Day 22 – Tech and Writing


Session # 3:  Technology Tools, Tips and Apps to Make Your Writing Workshop Cutting Edge  with Cornelius Minor

As we settled in to our seats In Milbank Chapel, Cornelius (AKA @MisterMinor) had these three questions on the screen for us to talk about with a person near us.

  • What do you want to do in terms of workshop?
  • What do you hope for in terms of “digital literacy”?
  • What do you need to learn today to get you there?

We had not even begun and Cornelius had us thinking about our goals and purposes for the session as well as “TALKING” and “doing the work”!  I was quite happy as I knew I was in the “right place”today!

Cornelius described himself as “a bit of a tinkerer” as he promised us cool techniques to blow up our writers workshop.  That is an understatement as Cornelius has a great deal of knowledge about technology and always keeps his work practical!

As you read this post consider:

What are you already doing?

What could you add?

What could you do – more efficiently or effectively with technology?

Cornelius reminded us that the writing process is everything.  Tech in the past has ranged from a hammer and a chisel to reed and papyrus.  We have more options if we consider his definition of tech – “any device that helps me do my work better”.  (As I sit here with four devices open, I’m wondering about the “do my work better” part as tech has again failed me this morning, but more about that later!)  And to illustrate his point, Cornelius used the writing process as his organizing framework for his presentation!

Where do we begin?

  1. Prewriting or collection

Simple, begin with talk.  We were to find someone who was not our partner.  Ah, yes, the dreaded workshop facilitator move of, “Get up out of your seat and go talk to someone somewhere else in the room!”  Then we were talk to that person about where we were from and how we traveled to TCRWP.  We returned to our original seat mate partner and told the story that our “new friend” had shared.

a. Talk to someone outside your circle  – Tell that story

b. Find a picture on your device (30 seconds) – Tell the story of that picture

What if students don’t have a picture?   Send a device home so they students can take a picture and tell a story. Goal:  Use technology to foster experiences, the source of narratives, so that talk can lead to writing!

Content Area Idea Collections:  We watched “Climate Change with Bill Nye 101” and then used Today’s Meet to “collect ideas from all the participants in the room.  When you need ideas in response to something, consider “Today’s Meet” or even a common google document to collect those ideas.  Or for additional ideas, find an expert in your community and face time with them so you bring video into the classroom and expand the world of your students!

a. Today’s Meet – generate ideas in class

b. Face time – Bring in expert from outside

How can you increase production before drafting?

2. Rehearsal

Choice . . .

Establish a personal help desk . . .

Students doing the work . . .

Increasing student agency because students are doing the work . . .

Cornelius called this the “hustle plan” . . . setting up students with their own personal help desk.  Who are the three people who can help you when you are stuck?  This list cannot include your teacher or your parents?  Who would your three be?

A coach?

A friend?

A brother or sister of a friend?

  • Having a list of three people to go to for support and then setting up those lines!   (Using phone to call and ask if the person would be willing to help when stuck!)      Just think about who will be doing the work here . . . who is already building their              own PLN?

What about drafting?

3. Drafting

Use the camera on your device, any device, to tell your story.  That may have been your rehearsal, but now it can also be a part of your drafting process.  Before you begin drafting, think about the structure of your piece.  Use the structure to help you tell your story!

text structures

a. record your draft (audio or video)

b. consider the structure while drafting

This works for all ages.  Melanie Meehan blogged about a kindergarten student in January of 2015 as she planned her writing.  ANYONE can do this.  No more “I don’t know what to say.”

How can technology support Revision?

4. Revision

Up until this stage, all of the participants had been using “tools” that came with their device:  camera, audio record or video record.  (Although some of us are less familiar with those features than our students!)

An app to help with revision is “Skitch”.  You can take a picture and then write, type or draw on top of that digital picture. Partners working on revision could actually annotate the text together!

Use the app skitch to share text for revision and then consider multiple ways to revise – word, phrase, sentence, or paragraph levels.  Where could a graphic be helpful?

And the most important part of the writing process?

5. Celebration

Celebration is the most important part of the writing process! (according to Cornelius)  We have data from year after year that tells us that if the teacher is the only audience, kids don’t always write well!  “Put the writing where the people are! Laundromat, coffee shop! Not just class blog. Nickelodeon. Teen magazines.”

Find real audiences for students outside your classroom!

Our final To Think About from Cornelius:

“Analogue writing is monologue; digital writing is dialogue.”

What’s your purpose for student writing?

How would we know?

And what are you going to change, add or delete from your current writing process work?

(I didn’t forget about those questions at the top of of the blog post.  How can you re-energize your writing workshop for the final months of the school year?)


I shared my notes (in word) with my pc so I could return to using it now that I am back in Iowa.  Surprise! Surprise!  No menu bar in WordPress so I could not add a new post.  So odd!  Therefore, I continue to work on my personal Mac.  I copied my notes from Saturday into the draft. I considered my own purpose as I felt the writing process framework was the heart of this post and the part that I needed to process in order to explain it to colleagues. (Any errors in the retelling are all mine!)  My goal was to make this as doable as possible and yet also add text features to make it EASIER to find the main points in a reread of the text!  I was anxiousing – so much to do – time was running out – so all errors would definitely be mine!

slice of life 2016

Thank you, Anna, Betsy, Beth, Dana, Deb, Kathleen, Stacey, and Tara. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here.  It’s the March Slice of Life Challenge so be ready to read DAILY posts!

#SOL16: March Challenge Day 17 -New Phone!

note four

I have a new phone . . .

because the battery kept wearing down.

Trips one, two, and three to the store

Until finally, “Do you just want to upgrade?”

I have a new phone . . .

and everything transfers with a quick “transfer app”.

But I can’t find Twitter or Voxer

And now nothing will download.

I have a new phone . . .

and it’s like begining anew.

Where do I find my grandson’s picture?

What about changing the screen saver?

I have a new phone . . .

and I spent an hour with the sales rep.

Watching, learning, and asking questions.

I have another hour scheduled for all my new worries.

I have a new phone . . .

Same model, just an upgrade.

Did my previous phone rule my life?

Or did I manage it competently?

I have a new phone . . .

I wish it worked the way I want it to . . .

I wish it worked the way I remember the old phone working . . .

I wish it wasn’t so complicated!

I kept my old phone . . .

If I plug it in – will it work?

Should I do a 1:1 match for apps to see if they are ALL present?

I have two phones – does even ONE work?

Is new technology always better?

How have you handled getting a new device?


Last night I was frustrated by the time I returned to my WORK computer (FIVE DEVICES later).  I was prepping files and devices for travel.  That meant updating email, twitter, voxer, etc. and I was totally frustrated when I didn’t get any REAL work done. My question to myself was “Why a new phone?” so I decided to answer that in this morning’s slice.  I decided that “I have a new phone . . .” would be the repeated line and I began drafting.  The lines literally wrote themselves straight through to these lines about process.  Ending with image, categories and tags.  Wowza! When I know the topic, the post writing is much quicker and flows from beginning to end!

slice of life 2016

Thank you, Anna, Betsy, Beth, Dana, Deb, Kathleen, Stacey, and Tara. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here.  It’s the March Slice of Life Challenge so be ready to read DAILY posts!


#SOL16: March Challenge Day 16 – Midpoint


How is midpoint best represented?  Words?  Numbers?  Both?

In Google Images,  midpoint was shown on a line, on the side of a triangle, and graphed in many, many more formats.

Dictionary.com defines midpoint as:


  1. a point at or near the middle of, or equidistant from, both ends, as of aline:

the midpoint of a boundary.

2. a point in time halfway between the beginning and the end, as of aprocess, event,  or situation:

the midpoint of the negotiations.”

The second definition represents today – the midpoint of the March 2016 Slice of Life Challenge.

Did you make it?

Are you writing one slice per day and commenting on at least three slices per day?

How are you feeling about your writing?

Have you met your goals?


March – March is the month of the Slice of Life Challenge

Intensifies – The reading, writing, thinking muse takes over to guide and intensify my thinking.

Details – Writing long and strong about details generates more mentor texts for me.

Practice – I practice genre, styles and craft moves that are new to me.

Overcomes –  Fear is overcome with patience and pride in published posts.

Insecurities – . Doubts and insecurities are replaced with confidence and beginning seeds of competence.

Notes – Records and notes the process to consider to reflect my processes.

Time – Eking out precious moments of time to polish, praise, and practice writing, conferring, and praising!


March Intensifies Details,

Practice Overcomes Insecurities –

Notes Time.


Brainstorming began with  . . .16/31 = midpoint – midway – center.  I consulted Dictionary.com for the definition, went to Google Images for a graphic for midpoint. While perusing the math examples I decided my format would be poetry, probably an acrostic to focus on Word Choice and Elaboration. Then as I reviewed my poem I thought about using the words from the acrostic as their own mini poem.  Quickly drafted and added.  Reviewed, revised, spell checked, categories & tagged!




slice of life 2016

Thank you, Anna, Betsy, Beth, Dana, Deb, Kathleen, Stacey, and Tara. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here.  It’s the March Slice of Life Challenge so be ready to read DAILY posts!

A(nother) Year of Reading

We are still reading. A lot.

Common Threads

Patchwork Prose and Verse


Writing from home, school and travel

Living Workshop

Continuing to navigate the ever changing world of teaching through Workshop

My Zorro Circle

it is what it is

Steph Scrap Quilts

"Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads..."


A meeting place for a world of reflective writers.

Tim's Teaching Thoughts

Ideas and Reflections on Teaching

Hands Down, Speak Out

Listening and Talking Across Literacy and Math

Teachers | Books | Readers

Literacy Leaders Connecting Students and Books

Dr. Carla Michelle Brown * Speaker * author * Educator

We have the perfect words. Write when you need them. www.carlambrown.com

Curriculum Coffee

A Written Shot of Espresso

Mrs. Palmer Ponders

Noticing and celebrating life's moments of any size.


Seeking Ways to Grow Proficient, Motivated, Lifelong Readers & Writers

Doing The Work That Matters

a journey of growing readers & writers


adventures in multiple tenses

The Blue Heron (Then Sings My Soul)

The oft bemused (or quite simply amused) musings of Krista Marx -- a self-professed HOPE pursuing Pollyanna