#SOLSC21: By the numbers

Typically when I participate in the #SOLSC I number my posts and get the shell format done in advance. Sometimes for the entire month. Sometimes for the week. This year, during the never-ending pandemic, I am not numbering them. The March numbers just don’t seem as relevant.

What is relevant?

As an author:

I write blog posts for two blogs: Resource-full and Literacy Lenses.

I have written 856 posts for Resource-full.

I take my turn writing blog posts, approximately 10 per year, at Literacy Lenses for #G2Great. (link)

My goal has been to be more “in the moment” with my writing so that I can wing it if necessary when life consumes my writing. What does that mean? I’m also more reflective about my writing. In ten days this month, my posts have included:

Planning and Playfulness: “And before that” and “Fortunately/Unfortunately

Risk-Taking: Making and Fail

Revision: Revision and Palindromes

Celebrating: Celebrating and today’s “By the Numbers”

Goal Setting: Timing and Living

How does your writing reflect your goals and purposes? How does your writing reflect your beliefs and what you value about writing? How do your stories about writing create a more complete picture of writing? What themes do you see emerging in your own writing?


Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this daily forum during the month of March. Check out the writers and readers here.

Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.12.16 AM.png

6 responses

  1. Great questions at the end of your post today. There is some thinking and reflection that I will have to do this week. Thanks for the push in that direction.

    1. You are welcome!
      Writing can be fun and also revealing if we consider the underlying themes!!!

  2. Fran! I love that you have made the goals and are reflecting. I have tried to spend my SOL days writing for pleasure which so often doesn’t happen. It’s wonderful to have space and time that allows you to do all these things. Thank you for sharing your process friend.

    1. I love writing for pleasure with a twist: how does this reflect my writerly life?
      You are welcome!

  3. I like this idea of looking at what we have written and finding common themes and patterns. Is there something we keep coming back to?

    1. Yes. Is there a puzzle we are trying to solve or an answer we are seeking???

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