#SOLSC21: Palindromes

Some words just capture my mind and I have to admit that palindrome is one. I think my OCD brain loves the patterns that I see in so many places. In words, in numbers, and in life. I’ve written about them here, here, and here.

As a refresher, a palindrome is

“A word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backwards as forwards, e.g. madam or nurses run.” – Oxford Dictionary

With words and palindromes, there are so many choices.

Palindromes for readers, writers, and teachers:


nurses run

stressed desserts

A website dedicated to palindromes

Palindrome poems – shadow poemspoetry soup, and tips for palindrome poem writing

Yesterday’s palindrome was 80008 and that sent me into my blog archives as I remembered first posting about my mileage almost four years ago with my car. Then the mileage was 15851.

My odometer triggered a memory. I searched my blog posts to find another source and voila I was reflecting on writing from the past. Real reading, real writing, real life.

When do we provide the time and space for our students to sit silently and think? When do we provide the time and space for our students to reflect? When do we “sit” and “stay” with our own writing?

Reflective Source (aka – rolling around in my brain)

This week’s #TCRWP SupperClub had the phrases “sit” and “stay” via Shana Frazin attributed to Katie Wood Ray. Those two very small words took my thinking to palindromes.


Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this daily forum during the month of March. Check out the writers and readers here.

Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.12.16 AM.png

12 responses

  1. Yes! Yes to palindromes, yes to going into the archives, yes to sitting and thinking time for all. : )

  2. It sounds easy. I can list the parts I need to do, but how do I share the parts I am being. So much great PD this week!

  3. Love to play with palindromes – Hannah and Otto and solos and wow – and did you know that palindromes date back to 70AD when they were first found as a graffito buried in ash at Herculaneum? I found that out when I was touring the Amalfi coast two years ago and visited Herculaneum. A fun post perfect for a Friday, Fran!

    1. Wow! Lynne. Thanks for that info. I didn’t get that far in the history.

  4. I am a fan of palindromes as well. I still get excited when I see on on my odometer. I even bring it to Kathy’s attention.

  5. Fran, you know what really shines through here? Your love of words in general. It’s such a playful post- full of wisdom and games but also deeper thoughts for how we connect these ideas to our work with students.
    TY – palindromes and patterns- now swimming in my head, too! Xx, Nawal

    1. Aha, just a touch of alliteration (palindrome/pattern).
      Words bring me joy. Deliberately looking for joy this month to add to the HOPE blooming!!!

  6. I love how you started with the definition of palindrome and went to odometers and ended with sit and stay described as CVC words. Keep having fun with words!!

  7. Fran- I love this. Can be so hard to sit and stay. Kate and Shana were so beautiful together. Such real connection. I wish connection was the same forward as it is backward. I want to sit and stay with it. Thanks for making me feel connected.

    1. Time.
      We are so busy doing that we forget we need to spend time being.
      So maybe it’s reallocation of time.
      You are so welcome!

  8. […] Revision: Revision and Palindromes […]

  9. […] meet this today on this route. Palindromes are my favorite. I’ve written about them here, here, and here. You can also search for more posts about palindromes as […]

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