#SOLSC21: A Comedy of Errors!

by Remy Charlip

Fortunately, I was able (with a great deal of frustration) to score a vaccination appointment.

Unfortunately, I only was able to make one appointment. Not one for Mom or my sister.

Fortunately, after I hit publish for this post last week, I received an email about an appointment source for Mom and my sister. I quickly scheduled Mom’s appointment within 15 miles of her home. (Also quite fortunate for friends and relatives who were constantly sending sources!)

Unfortunately, the printer refused to cough up the paperwork.

Fortunately, I then scheduled my sister’s appointment at the same location. ROAD TRIP! And the printer cooperated. Two appointments scheduled. One confirmed with paperwork.

Unfortunately, my anxiety, nervousness, and trepidation increased. No email confirmation of either appointment when mine had been sent within three minutes of scheduling.

Fortunately, a friend called my sister to report a local possibility. NO travel needed.

Unfortunately, I directly called the first pharmacy and their computer was down. The only appointment they could confirm was my sister’s because the computer was down.

Unfortunately, “Call again later,” was their advice when over four hours had already passed without confirmation.

Fortunately, I decided to go for it and went back online and booked appointments at the local site for both Mom and my sister for the day BEFORE the first appointments.

Unfortunately, I was “on the road” after finishing my own shot, so still no printed confirmation or email. I did save the form as a pdf, although it seemed “glitchy” when I had “scheduled another person”.

Fortunately, five hours later, my emails pinged as five confirmations for those two appointments arrived in my inbox.

Unfortunately, I now had to sort out what I had scheduled online by phone in a frenzy of available appointment times and locations.

Fortunately, by week’s end . . . CELEBRATION as all three of us had been vaccinated with a first dose. And I had canceled the extra appointments.

Unfortunately, by week’s end . . . I was incredibly frustrated by the fact that I had spent so much time and energy in scheduling in a system that was less than helpful.

How does a comparison of “fortunately/unfortunately” allow an author to remember specific details? Prioritize those details as fortunate/unfortunate?

(Fortunately/Unfortunately previously used in a different format last October here.)


Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this daily forum during the month of March. Check out the writers and readers here.

Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.12.16 AM.png

8 responses

  1. I love this structure! I can’t wait to try it on for size and also with my students. Thanks for sharing!

  2. And I thought I had problems scheduling an appointment. Glad all worked out.

    1. So glad that now its in my rear view mirror, I can laugh about it. But in the moment, ARGH

  3. Oh … I think this frame could work very nicely for me right now — lots of Fortunately/Unfortunately in my life right now. So glad it all worked out and you are all one step closer to being together.

    1. Clare, yes I bet you have many of these. It’s almost cathartic to find the opposites!

  4. The ups and downs of life are strongly revealing by you using this structure.
    I am hoping none of you had any side affects from the vaccines to cause an Unfortunately. However, I somehow think you, like me, are just grateful and not complaining about the headche and aches and pains I had on Sunday. I love how helpfulness was a theme in your slice!

    1. No side effects from shot one. Hopeful for the second to also be easy.
      Structure… mountain peaks and valleys … fun to see how they play out

  5. […] Planning and Playfulness: “And before that” and “Fortunately/Unfortunately“ […]

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