#SOL21: Words Matter

It surfaces again.

That dreaded two column comparison

Riddled with half-truths



Do I ignore?

Do I scroll past?

Do I comment?

This chart

I don’t know the source.

It appears often.

Fact Check

Correcting the Balanced Literacy section.

My thoughts.

Responding to the inaccuracies only.

No long, drawn-out arguments.

Here’s the first draft.

Not complete.

Ready for self-conversation.

How much change?

Counting . . . Qualitative? , , , Counting . . .

40 words out of 208 remained.

19% of the words remained.

Physically crossing out the words that were not used.

Silent no more.

What compels you to break your silence and discuss perceived errors? When is it more advantageous to remain silent and gather your ”thoughts”?


Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this weekly forum.

Check out the writers and readers here.

Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.12.16 AM.png

9 responses

  1. The thing that gets me about this is that people who I would expect to “know better” are buying into the science of reading… It is so hard and maybe I just need to hand people your version instead of getting myself all in a either!

  2. That last part should read “all in a tither.”

    1. Erika, it took me a long time to understand the zealous attacks rooted in such disinformation. It starts with the misinterpretation of the data from NAEP.

  3. It seems a simple view of a complex process limits possibility. I miss the days where we could have thoughtful conversations about reading and its complexity. Silence doesn’t help us grow. Good for you!

    1. Conversations are so lacking. But when it feels like talking to a brick wall . . . I get it. Bully pulpits are the new rage and that is what this chart is.

  4. Thank you for this! I’m on a Facebook SOR page, just so I know what is going on in that movement. There are so many inaccuracies. And if you say anything, you get shot down and sometimes even blocked from the page. Scary!

    1. Carol,
      Facebook often feels like the witch hunt that will end the world. It’s definitely not always a source of truth, wisdom or even best intentions.

      Science truly evolves and the “sciences of reading” all point to the fact that there is no ONE way to teach ALL students. Forcing students to sit through hours and hours of whole class phonics day after day is not the silver bullet to the difficulties faced by up and coming readers!

  5. When will those who “think” they know realize what teachers “in the know” realize – one size doesn’t fit all. Students learn at different rates and by different means. Knowing what a student needs and how they learn in the key to reaching them and helping them advance.

    1. Great question.
      Cinderella’s slipper didn’t fit any of her stepsisters. No one program is just like her slipper . . . Too many folks stirring the pot who never taught but, of course, think that everyone doing the same thing sounds good.

      Responsive teaching means the teacher knows the student in front of them and provides what they need next. ❤

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