#SOL16: March Challenge Day 17 -New Phone!

note four

I have a new phone . . .

because the battery kept wearing down.

Trips one, two, and three to the store

Until finally, “Do you just want to upgrade?”

I have a new phone . . .

and everything transfers with a quick “transfer app”.

But I can’t find Twitter or Voxer

And now nothing will download.

I have a new phone . . .

and it’s like begining anew.

Where do I find my grandson’s picture?

What about changing the screen saver?

I have a new phone . . .

and I spent an hour with the sales rep.

Watching, learning, and asking questions.

I have another hour scheduled for all my new worries.

I have a new phone . . .

Same model, just an upgrade.

Did my previous phone rule my life?

Or did I manage it competently?

I have a new phone . . .

I wish it worked the way I want it to . . .

I wish it worked the way I remember the old phone working . . .

I wish it wasn’t so complicated!

I kept my old phone . . .

If I plug it in – will it work?

Should I do a 1:1 match for apps to see if they are ALL present?

I have two phones – does even ONE work?

Is new technology always better?

How have you handled getting a new device?


Last night I was frustrated by the time I returned to my WORK computer (FIVE DEVICES later).  I was prepping files and devices for travel.  That meant updating email, twitter, voxer, etc. and I was totally frustrated when I didn’t get any REAL work done. My question to myself was “Why a new phone?” so I decided to answer that in this morning’s slice.  I decided that “I have a new phone . . .” would be the repeated line and I began drafting.  The lines literally wrote themselves straight through to these lines about process.  Ending with image, categories and tags.  Wowza! When I know the topic, the post writing is much quicker and flows from beginning to end!

slice of life 2016

Thank you, Anna, Betsy, Beth, Dana, Deb, Kathleen, Stacey, and Tara. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here.  It’s the March Slice of Life Challenge so be ready to read DAILY posts!


21 responses

  1. You picked a topic (or it picked you) that we all could relate to! I have had the new phone blues before, but soon you will love it and wonder at how you survived without it! Great slice!

    1. Thanks, Erika!
      Some days the topic says, “ME, ME, ME” and now that I may be able to “laugh at it”, it won’t seem quite so terrible! ❤

  2. This is sooooooo good, Fran! I was giggling all the way through (Sorry!). I laughed out loud at the last verse – especially the last line – two phones and does even one work? Everything here all to true and too familiar. Then I realized that I planned to upgrade to the new Samsung 7 this summer. Now I am wondering….

    1. Lynne,
      I have refused to upgrade the OS on my iPad because it was six months later and I still did not have it back to its former working order! GRRR! Anyway – planning for a smoother transition and seriously, could I remember ONE more password!

      It is getting funnier by the minute. Writing did help relieve the stress! (Not all of the “I want it working the way I think it should NOW!”)

  3. Fran,
    I think many of us can feel your pain of new technology. I think it was be especially hard when it is a phone before traveling!
    Your line: “When I know the topic, the post writing is much quicker and flows from beginning to end!” struck a chord with me. Isn’t that true of our students too!

    1. Christine,
      Of course, it’s always the last minute disruptions that cause the most STRESS! If the phone had been working correctly, I’d stll have it!!

      And yes so true, that knowledge makes writing flow so much easier! THANKS for reading and commenting! ❤

  4. I need a new phone, but for all the reasons you list I have stalled getting it too. I need to bite the bullet and just face the consequences of all a new phone entails. Loved the repetition!

    1. Be planful! Make sure you have at least two weeks to get used to all the c…h…a…n…g….e…s!

  5. What a great poem expressing all your frustrations. I could totally relate to your woes. The repeating line was clever and tied your poem together.

    1. Thanks, Ein! It was fun!!!

  6. Can’t live without them, and yet phones can be such a hassle.

    1. We talked about the fact that kids may not know what a camera is any more if they only see the cameras in phones. Hmmm… phones used to be for talking and now they are for EVERYTHING!

      See you in about 36 hours! ❤ So ready to learn and be uplifted in/with learners! ❤

  7. I love the repeating line , Fran! Very effective. I have been dragging my feet to upgrade my computer to Windows 10. when you get used to having things a certain way, it’s hard to change.

    1. Rose,
      I’m not on Windows 10 either and dragging my feet so describes my behavior. I just don’t want to learn a new tech thing NOW!

      Thanks, Rose! I’ve had so much fun already this month with repeating lines! ❤

  8. Love this, Fran. Ain’t technology grand? I’m sure I don’t know half of the things my phone can do and probably will never learn them all. I bought a new computer with Windows 10 installed about a month ago and here I am using my old computer with Vista. Go figure.

    1. Well, Bob, I don’t have Windows 10 YET! I’ve been waiting til I had “fewer deadlines” so I wouldn’t feel stressed. That’s like the third Tuesday of next week! HA!

      I just want the things I think I need – to work the way I think they should! Simple request in my mind!


  9. Singing the New Phone Blues! Isn’t that a song we all know! Good luck with it Fran. You’ll figure out that new device and you’ll even like it! Keep us posted.

    1. Always love working with change. . . reminds me that there are SO Many stages to change! ❤

  10. I hope you have someone in your life who will sit down with you and help you! I do this for my family and all of their friends.
    I also find that Google knows pretty much everything – I put the type of phone and the question into Google (Samsung Note 5 download apps) and I can find my answer pretty well. Good luck!

    1. Ashley,
      Thanks! Google knows a lot – I agree! Just no time (nor patience) to figure some of the goofy things out – works one day and not the next. TECH faill in several ways – today! But thanks for the reminder!

  11. […] did you read that whiney drivel from yesterday? ( Here ) Some folks really just should keep their mouths closed and their fingers off the keyboard because […]

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