#SOL16: March Challenge Day 9 – Stormy

The weather every five minutes! The meteorologist on the TV stands in front of a green screen and points to the radar picture to show where and how soon the weather will change.  Fancy gadgets, big words, and timed intervals display the details about where, when and how much precipitation is expected.


But I have my own personal meteorologist.  Gadget-free. Screen-free.

Her nose is pressed quietly against my knee.  Her body lays across my feet.  If I recline my chair, she is totally under it. All. Thirty-five pounds.  Quiet. Hidden.

Three minutes after nose touching and I hear the first clap of thunder.  I could have counted the seconds.  She is that accurate.  Mya is the second black lab, who has had us as her people, who is absolutely terrified of storms.  But 100% accurate.  She should be paid for her career in meteorology.

The rain is soft and gentle, a cleansing spring March rain.  But the thunder continues and Mya huddles under my chair. Unseen, unheard, sheltered from the thunder.



Mya as a meteorologist was on my list of possible slices.  The thunder as I fell asleep last night, sealed the topic.  This morning I drafted in WordPress and then looked for a picture, (Mya has not given her permission for pictures to be posted), previewed, revised, tagged and posted. (35 minutes)

slice of life 2016

Thank you, Anna, Betsy, Beth, Dana, Deb, Kathleen, Stacey, and Tara. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here.  It’s the March Slice of Life Challenge so be ready to read DAILY posts!


8 responses

  1. My dog growing up used to hide in the shower. We always knew a storm was coming when she raced upstairs for the shower. Its so interesting how perceptive they are and how much they hate thunder! Thank you for inspiring that memory.

    1. I have often wondered if their hearing is so sensitive that it almost or does hurt? Wish she had the words to tell me, but her actions speak pretty loudly!

      (and congratulations on your poem today!) ❤

  2. Poor Mya! How awful to be so fearful and not able to do anything about it but hide. We are set for several days of rain, but so far there’s no thunder here.

    1. Thanks!
      I hope the storms are over for a bit! So interesting that she has figured out her own dark, quiet, little cave!

  3. It has been noted that before earthquakes, animals begin to try to escape. They do sense things, just like your Mya. My mother had a dog that was terribly frightened of storms, and we called her our weather caster, too. Sorry that Mya is frightened.

    1. Thanks, Linda!
      I’m going to have to explore whether it’s great hearing or what. Hate that she is frightened but love that she has figured out her “safe place”!

  4. Isn’t that funny ? Sophie is the same way, we call her our thunder radar.

    1. Tara,
      I love that – “thunder radar”! Thanks!

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