#SOL16: March Challenge Day 13 – Transition


Spring forward,

Lose one hour of sleep.

Spring forward,

Change all the battery clocks.

Spring forward,

Change all the alarm clocks.

Spring forward,

Change the clocks on the stove and microwave.

Spring forward,

Check all the devices for automatic changes.

Spring forward,

Change the battery in the smoke detector.

Spring forward,

Remember that the body may still be on “real time”.

Spring forward,

How long will it take for you to transition to the “new time”?

spring forward

How does the time change affect you?  your students?  How do you manage?

Are you totally digital?  Do you still have some analog clocks?

Process: I knew that I wanted to write something for Digilit today and the theme was transition so I literally began with my title, went to google images and found my picture.  Then because I was still thinking (yep, not a clude what to write YET!), I wrote these first two sentences of process before writing anything on the post.  And then coffee.  And coffee again. I began writing about “spring forward” and then it actually became a list of things to do/think about.  I decided to indent the first line to match “spring forward”.  Back to google images for a “spring forward” picture.  And then proof, tag, and post. Feeling good although it’s a short post – 45 minutes!  One more cup of coffee. Onward to my day!


digilitDigiLitslice of life 2016

Thank you, Anna, Betsy, Beth, Dana, Deb, Kathleen, Stacey, and Tara. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here.  It’s the March Slice of Life Challenge so be ready to read DAILY posts!


19 responses

  1. Isn’t interesting how little things- like your choice to indent “spring forward” make a difference to us as writers? Thanks for the list of reminders!

    1. Lisa,
      To “name” some of those choices has really had me paying attention to my writing. “Consciously” making choices . . . and you are welcome for the list! I now have them done as well! 🙂

  2. I’m laughing as I am slowly realizing the clocks changes and am not programmed to think of a to do list because of this transition. So as I awake apparently later and have some tea to get me going, I’ll think about your list!! I love the form and I love how you look for the images. I rarely do that as a writer but I could…just as I am transitioning to being a writer who is now OK with using emojis (as I wrote about today!) Congrats on all you have done already today!!

    1. Sally,
      I love that the electronic ones handle the business themselves, but not the rest . . . and obviously I have a “few” of the rest!

      Loved your post on emojis! Sundays are busy days! MUST do lists and no longer “nice to do” lists!

  3. Great idea for a TRANSITIONS post! I love “spring forward” because we get more light at the end of the day, but it IS hard to lose that hour of sleep!

    1. Thanks, Holly! I find that it’s more than a day to recover from the “lost hour” of sleep! 🙂

  4. Ah yes, the things we have to do twice a year besides getting our body accustomed to the change.

    1. Bob,
      So true, and I totally forgot about changing the clock in my car. It is another analog example. However, I can do that without directions (I think)! Enjoy your Sunday!

  5. What a fun piece. I love the repeating line, Spring forward” and how it echoes through. It adds a spark, but I can also read your poem again and that same line can also creates a monotony that I feel when we have to do all the clock changing and checking that you described in your poem. I’m just curious, which way did you intend for me to read it? With spunk, or monotony?

    1. Erin,
      Read quickly, spunkily, springish . . . definitely not monotony!

      Great question!!!! ❤

  6. Spring Forward it is Fran. This is a delightful post and thanks for your backstory.

    1. You are welcome, Carol. It has been fun writing BOTH parts of these posts!

  7. This post is a perfect fit for transitions. That time change is a toughie! Tomorrow we’ll have some sleepy kiddos!

    1. Julieanne,
      I’m hoping no one has major assessments tomorrow. ICK! So does this mean our kiddos are more analog?

      1. Yes! Most definitely.

  8. I didn’t manage to do anything but change the clock on the stove. We had a really busy day yesterday, so I’m NOT handling this transition well. At least now I’m smiling about it!

    1. Catherine, I’m so glad you can now smile. Final count – 11 clocks that reset themselves – 6 that had to be set manually! 🙂

  9. I hate Spring-ing forward…still adjusting to it Fran.

    1. I think Spring is always HARD! Something about losing an hour that just gets to me!

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