#SOL16: Dilemma

beep beep beep,

beep beep beep,

beep beep beep . . .

My fingertips reach the snooze button.


Merciful silence.

A pause . . .

beep beep beep,

beep beep beep,

beep beep beep . . .


“Not yet. But no choice. Time to face the day.”

Coffee, please, cries my body as I enter the kitchen.

Open the cupboard,

Drag down the coffee.

Dump yesterday’s filter and coffee grounds.

Replace the filter.

A scoop of coffee.

Fill the pot with water.

Pour in the water

And turn the pot on.

Wait for it?

Watch the news?


Write the day’s slice?

Wait for the coffee . . . brain is sluggish.

So dark outside. . . Is it storming?

Stare at the clock.

The glare makes it hard to read.

The aroma of the coffee . . . I can almost taste it!








. . .

First cup poured

Wait . . .

What time does that clock say?


That can’t be right!

Check the phone.

Battery dead . . .

Check the computer . . .

2:35 am

Literally  . . . so darned early.

Dilemma . . .

Back to sleep?




slice of life

Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Dana, Deb, Kathleen, Lisa, Melanie, and Stacey for this weekly forum. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here. 

21 responses

  1. Ugh! Poor you! I loved the surprise ending here, but so sorry for your early wake up. I can not allow myself to use the snooze button, as I have my mornings so programmed. I hope you are not too tired today!

    1. Thanks, Erika! The day went fast until about 5:30 and then I was totally tired! I tried to go back to sleep this morning but it did not work. I couldn’t sleep! I think I will sleep well tonight!

  2. Oh that was just a cruel trick your gadgets played on you! I hope your day gets sunnier.

    1. Silly electronic gadgets! There was some early morning rain but the high 70s this afternoon really made sure that I was WIDE awake! 🙂

  3. Oh no, that is terrible. I think I would have tried to go back to bed. You wrote this beautifully, though. Guess you had lots of time (ha!).

    1. Exactly, Linda! I had so MUCH time! I tried to go back to bed but I think I was afraid that I would oversleep. It was fun to write!

  4. Oh no! This happened to us one Christmas. My nephews got up and we all got up. After opening a bunch of presents, my mother went to make coffee and she realized it was 3:30. My sister & brother in law had misread the clock when the boys woke them up.

    1. How interesting to have it happen at Christmas, Adrienne! I’m sure the kiddos loved that!

  5. Snooze is a cruel joke. I do love my new iPhone IOS bedtime system. My phone plays this lovely gentle music, but it doesn’t wake me enough.

    1. I’m basically device free at night and since I don’t have an iPhone that is easy. I’m usually awake BEFORE the alarm goes off so that should have been a warning. But unfortunately I was really at that “tired” and “not thinking” stage! LOL

  6. I love the way you played with words and white space, you had fun!

    1. Absolutely, Tara . . . Time and fun were in abundance. Family time in 2 days. Long weekend and I am so looking forward to it!

  7. What did you do??? Hopefully you are sleeping now and getting a full night’s sleep! Amazing that you crafted a slice from it — talk about the glass half full!

    1. Clare, I’m still awake – trying for just one hour early tonight so I can sleep ALL night long! Of course I tried sleeping but since my slice wasn’t even drafted, that did NOT work! Turning it into a slice allowed me to gain a bit better perspective . . . and chuckle a bit! ❤

  8. Clare, I’m still awake – trying for just one hour early tonight so I can sleep ALL night long! Of course I tried sleeping but since my slice wasn’t even drafted, that did NOT work! Turning it into a slice allowed me to gain a bit better perspective . . . and chuckle a bit! ❤

  9. Oh dear! Love your poetic writing of this CRAZY morning story. Hope you got to grab a few more Zzzzzzs!

    1. Thanks, Dayna! I slept so WELL last night! I was ready to sleep!

  10. Oh my! I was right there with you. Amazing what we let technology rule.

    1. Julieanne,
      So hard to get used to technology as an “aid” when it seems to not be an asset! Oh, well, I will look more carefully the next time. Time to put new batteries in all the clocks . . .

  11. Love how you placed the words and letters on the page.
    It added to the quiet, sleepiness of the moment.

    1. Thanks, Sally! I had tons of time and apparently my mind was not totally asleep. CRAZY day . . . none of my devices would hold a charge!

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