#SOL17: Choose Kind

choose kind.jpg

Be Brave; Choose Kind!

You are you!

It’s your right.

Choose how to express yourself.

Choose what to express.

Choose when to express.

Think long and hard.

Consider the consequences of your speech.

Consider the consequences of your action.

Consider the consequence of inaction.

Choose wisely.

Is listening to concerns viewed as “agreement”?

Is listening to another viewpoint viewed as “forsaking the views of others”?


Your choice.

Be brave.

Choose what is right for you.

Choose your venue.

Choose your action.

Choose your speech.

But don’t forget that you don’t have to go it alone . . .

Ask for help

Ask for validation

Ask for a listening ear

But above all,

Choose Kind!

Brave, my #OLW.

Sometimes Brave is Quiet.

Sometimes Brave roars.

But above all, Brave is Kind!

slice of life

Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Deb, Kathleen, Lisa, Melanie, and Stacey for this weekly forum. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here. 

18 responses

  1. Hi Fran–I’m sharing your post with my daughters as well as the letter I’ve written them. http://tworeflectiveteachers.blogspot.com/2017/01/slice-of-life-letter-to-my-daughters.html
    We also have the same word this year–looking forward to your reflections on bravery throughout 2017.

    1. Melanie,
      I am so looking forward to how we share “BRAVE” this year. I am sure there will be an ebb and flow! One of life’s patterns!

  2. I just read your post to my eight year old daughter. We both think that being brave starts with kindness. Thank you.

    1. Thanks so much, Trina. I think kindness is both the beginning and the end of the circle of “bravery”.

  3. “Brave is kind.” Two concepts that may not be thought of in the same breath, but need to be.

    1. Julieanne,
      Patience was another word I thought of using but it wasn’t the one for today!

  4. What a great poem…I would love to share this with my class when we do our unit on choices.

    1. Eden,
      You are welcome to share! Thanks for asking!

  5. Wise words to share, Fran. Thank you!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Linda! You are so welcome!

  6. A great exploration of some important words and ideas, especially at this time.

    1. Thanks, Adrienne!
      I was able to figure out what I thought should be paired with brave!

  7. Just perfect. Brave is kind…yes!

    1. Thanks, Tara! I don’t think “Brave” can or is it should not be found in isolation. I think it needs a “partner” . . . More thought needed! ❤

  8. Great post, Fran. So often Brave is associated with physical strength and power that we forget that choosing to be brave by being kind to others, standing up for others, and not backing down on our own beliefs also takes courage. Brave is a choice. May we all choose it.

    1. Thanks so much! I agree that brave can come in all sizes, shapes and ages! “May we all choose it.” YES!!!

  9. These two lines are the ones I am taking with me because often when we have different viewpoints, we are not always listened to.

    Is listening to concerns viewed as “agreement”?
    Is listening to another viewpoint viewed as “forsaking the views of others”?

    1. Leigh Anne,
      This is an area that I try to pay attention to when listening to another’s view – am I listening to understand? or am I just listening to respond and pick out the words or phrases I want to debate?

      So much to think about!

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