#SOL17: Brave

“Bravery is not always a roar; sometimes it’s the quiet strength that we possess when we need it most.” ~@OnStageKimberly

Are you brave?

It may depend on how you define brave.

I eagerly anticipated “Brave” in 2017 because my word had found me in mid-December.   I tried it out quietly, drafted some ideas, rechecked my understanding, watched this video of Kimberly Davis and finally announced it here.  I embraced, Brave, and changed the wallpaper on my blog.

I checked in often.



Here  and

Here in this post today.

Little did I know how BRAVE was going to test me in 2017.

Test me personally.  Test me professionally.

Test me mentally. Test me spiritually.

And it was a roller coaster because there were days that went by in a fog and days where time stood still . . . and minutes became months.  And then there were the days that seemed to barely last one hour.   What a strange construct time can be . . .



Screenshot 2017-12-11 at 9.18.46 PM

And as the calendar pages have turned, I’ve embraced:









plucky, and


(Courtesy of Dictionary.com here)

Amid gnashing of teeth, crying, whimpering, screaming, and yelling . . .

I did not always go quietly into the night.

But as each night faded into daylight,

I welcomed the chance to begin each day anew.

And NOW, I celebrate!

We don’t have to be perfect!

Screenshot 2017-12-11 at 9.08.18 PM.png

Watch for more wisdom from this source (Released January 16, 2018):

Screenshot 2017-12-11 at 6.30.39 PM

Available January 16, 2018


What will my 2018 #OLW be?

Screenshot 2017-12-11 at 5.30.14 PM.png

How are you preparing for your 2018 #OLW?

Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Deb, Kathleen, Lanny, Melanie, and Stacey for this weekly forum. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here.                                                                                                      slice of life 2016

18 responses

  1. I always look forward to your posts!We had the same word in 2017 and each of your check-ins was a reminder to me as well. I think I know what my next word is already, but time will tell! I have to look back to the past few years that I have done OLW to see my future I think.

    1. I love that, Erika. There is something about looking back, in order to look forward, that always works with our #OLW! I think, at one time, I knew of four of us who had BRAVE, but while I was writing this, I could only remember you and Melanie! Thanks for reading and commenting!

  2. The idea of choosing a #OLW for the year is so intriguing to me. I might have to join in this year.

    1. I love the intentionality of #OLW, Aileen. Or maybe it’s the helpfulness of a prompting or cueing word! Sometimes the word appears almost like magic!

  3. Wow! You needed that word so much this year. I love how our OLWs seem to fit just right. I’m thinking about my word for next year. One of your magnets grabbed me and won’t let go, so I’m thinking it’s the one.

    1. Margaret,
      It was definitely my year.
      And now I can’t wait to see what your #OLW is!

  4. Wow! I loved reading about your challenges to stay brave this year.
    Thank you also for reminding me to begin thinking about my 2018 OLW. It’s never too early to begin that process for sure!

    1. Thanks, Christine! It’s never too early to begin thinking! It’s a great reason to . . . pause!

  5. Your posts are always informative and inspiring, Fran. I think your word for this year was the perfect one for you. You “bravely” faced all that came your way during the year. I feel like I now need to open myself up so that my OLW for next year can find me.

    1. Thank you! It has been challenging and not always graceful, but I’m anxious for a new chapter! 🙂

  6. Your reflective nature shines through in this post. My OLW for 2017 “doshare”. It’s not really one word but I made it one word. Share wasn’t strong enough so I had to add the do for emphaisis (a little kick in the butt). Your post has me thinking about what my OLW will be for 2018 – brave is a good one! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Love the “doshare” and the backstory. That’s a great way to think about making a story fit. And you are welcome! Love to share!

  7. Thanks for sharing so honestly about your OLW! And for reminding me that it will be January 1st soon and I need to start thinking of my next word. But first, I’ll emulate you and reflect back on my year with ROUTINE….next Tuesday’s post!

    1. Sally,
      After this year, I equate brave with being vulnerable. Dealing with life’s lumps and lemons is easier with a greater degree of openness. However, I’m really planning on more FUN in 2018. I’m down to five words, but it’s possible that I’ll change my mind in the next 18 days!
      I can’t wait to see what your reflection on “routine” will be! 🙂

  8. I was pretty interested in this post since you and I share a word this year. You have been louder with your commitment to it, and it has been a good one for me, too. When I’m facing a task I don’t like or a challenge, I’ve turned toward my word and it’s helped. I’m closing in on my 2018 word, and I’m supposed to announce it on JANUARY 1! That’s brave for you!!!

    1. Melanie,
      I’ve loved looking at Brene Bown’s quote on my background all year. I don’t know if next year’s word will lend itself to such a constant reminder. And yes, I have also used BRAVE when I literally just needed to “suck it up” this year! You, Erika, and I think another slicer . . . but I have forgotten who – all had BRAVE!

      I worry that our students have to be BRAVE more than they should . . . after all they are only 5, 6, 7, 8, etc. ❤

  9. “Little did I know how BRAVE was going to test me.” This line really spoke to me. It makes bravery an active thing. You’ve lived into your word this year, Fran. ⭐️

    1. Jennifer,
      I think the best #OLW are active, living words! Thank you! OK, how do I make a star? I love it!

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