#SOL18: March 4

Idea borrowed from Mary Lee Hahn’s Poetry Friday – Chocolate Cake (here) (and I don’t even like chocolate cake!)

Screenshot 2018-03-02 at 5.52.24 AM

Abecedarian #TCRWP Saturday Reunion Love


Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Deb, Kathleen, Lanny, Melanie, and Stacey for this daily forum each March. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here.                                                                                                      slice of life 2016

Note:  I had visions of productivity after my NYC flights were cancelled, but all of Friday was misspent on pursuing unproductive, alternative options.  Saturday meant following along on Twitter. So that leaves Sunday – newly found time.  Maybe I can plan to read the book that was scheduled for flight time?  Two books at least?  One going and one coming home?

What is an abecedarian? Link

Poetry Dances Link

29 responses

  1. I had to look up “xenials”! Your poem sounds frenzied, much as I’m sure you felt when your plans went awry. I’m liking the idea of an ABC poem, putting in my cap for another time.

    1. I dearly love everything ABC . . . and still collect ABC books so I couldn’t resist. So very much fun to search for the exact words!

  2. I’m so relieved Chris had to look up xenial. You probably have used it on me in WWF. I think you can read three books–it’s a long flight, and I’m sure you read fast.

    1. Melanie,
      Three books! Yes!
      I just could not YET let go of #TCRWP!

  3. You first attempt at this form was amazing. It flows like a good story.
    I too missed the reunion – maybe next time!

    1. Christine,
      Still so much sadness for missing it! The poem helped but as I said to Melanie, I just was not YET ready to “Let it Go”!

  4. I love ABCderians! And when I read Mary Lee’s on Friday, I thought, hey, I need to do one of these. And I had to look up xenials also!

    1. Carol,
      I love them – even though they are new to me! Such fun with words in such a neat and tidy way!

  5. What a fun way to capture your day! I’m sure the snowstorm had many feeling as frenzied as the mood your poem created. I love it!

    1. Thanks, Jennifer!
      Loved the “creation” with just a few words that I toiled over and over! LOL!

  6. Love this format and I will have to try it! New word for me too, thanks.

    1. Terie,
      It’s a fun way to write. I’m thinking it will be fun for some special events as well! You are welcome! 🙂

  7. This format looks deceptively easy. I bet this was a real challenge to pull together. The best writing always looks seamless. I’m so sorry you couldn’t make it to the reunion. It sounds like lots of plans were thwarted with the weather yesterday. Thanks for this amazing post!

    1. Michelle,
      You are welcome! The sharing and love on #TWT and “Slicers” does parallel the #TCRWP community. So welcoming, so smart, and so thoughtful! ❤

  8. I had a Sesame Street record when I was a little bitty kid. I think Mr. Snuffalupagus (sp?) or Big Bird sang an alphabet song with all the letters as one word. I hadn’t thought of it in decades, but your blurb sounded a lot like their attempt at pronunciation. Thanks for the reminder of a sweet memory from way back when!

    1. Pam,
      OK, now I want to look at alphabet songs. I have quite the collection of books and poems . . . aha! Songs! New territory! You are welcome & thanks for the new idea!

  9. Fran, I love your love for the TCRWP community. It is something not many people I know share. Every time you talk about it, it brings me back to Riverside Church. I love that place.

    1. Thanks, Sarah! Riverside Church is magical. It’s such a perfect setting for the TCRWP community. Every session, twitter chat, and experience, helps me grow and learn. That’s the TCRWP that I love!

  10. Impressive, Fran! Not easy to do! You captured the true spirit of the Columbia University teachers college reunion days.

    1. Thanks, Lynne! It’s hard to explain the energy and spirit for folks who have never attended! ❤

  11. This is a great format, Fran. When I was still teaching I introduced my Writing Club to Alphabet City by Stephen Johnson. We then walked around the school taking pictures and making our own alphabet book. The students loved looking at things through a photographer’s eye.

    1. Yes, love Alphabet City. I’ve always thought the alphabet was a great summarizing tool!

  12. You do make this look easy, and I’m guessing it’s not. (Also I have to go look up xenials now. I get very excited whenever I see a word I’ve never seen before, so thank you!) Bookmarking this as a mentor text but not sure I will be able to pull it off! Loved how this piece captures the energy of those passionate teachers/learners.

    1. Thanks, Elisabeth.
      I spent longer than I thought but part of that was because I started and then lost it I’m sure the Cloud will spit it out again sometime this month, but I was determined it would be my post to honor the day’s learning!

      I love new words so I had to test several out. Some I “settled for”. I want to work on this more leisurely a few more times! And also thinking about the difference between words/phrases!!!

  13. litcoachconnection | Reply

    Thank you for sharing the wonderful poem and structure. I look forward to giving it a try!

    1. It takes a bit of thinking (I just generated three or four possible words for each letter and started down the list) and of course X, Y, Z are the hardest!

  14. I’m impressed, Fran! It is amazing how well your abecedarian flows in the reading. Proof that you are truly a wordsmith.

    1. Alice,
      Fabulous model from Mary Lee,
      and oral rereading . . . but I do love words! Thanks so much!!! 🙂

  15. […] Abcedarian Poem: each line starts with a different letter of the alphabet. See Fran’s #TCRWP Reunion Abcedarian Poem for an […]

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