#SOL18: March 9

Day 1 

N wrote 2 paragraphs. (Approximately 11 lines)

I was there.

Day 2

N wrote 6 paragraphs. (Included dialogue and was 15 lines)

I was there.

Day 3

N wrote 4 paragraphs. (Approximately 10 lines)

I was not there but had left a video and a page of my writing.

So what’s my plan?

I’m a goal setter and a “UbD’er” (Understanding by Design – backwards planning).

Here’s my goal for next week. Use this paper and see if N can write at least one complete story of 3-4 pages with some conferencing each day.

Thank you, Melanie Meehan, for sharing your opinion and information scaffolded paper. The items in the box are from the third grade checklist.  (link)



If he writes approximately 50 lines, that will be 333% increase over previous writing.

Success Goal: 

Two of these stories in a week.  Then remove the checklists from the paper and see if the writing volume remains high and constant.(Previously his writing work ranged from 2-4 lines in a day.)

To recap our work (or you can read here)

Week 1


Shared Writing

Shared Writing

Pseudo-Shared Writing via video

???  Student Choice

Week 2

Scaffolded Checklist Paper – Narrative Story Writing  – Repeat 5 days

Week 3

Write Using “Regular” Writing Paper

What would you add to this plan? 

What would your measure of success be?

How have you increased volume of writing for students?

Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Deb, Kathleen, Lanny, Melanie, and Stacey for this daily forum each March. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here.                                                                                                      slice of life 2016

13 responses

  1. Love this plan! It shows such a mindful approach to supporting students, but in a way that fosters independence and not dependence. Kind of reminds me of training wheels… I could likely not have learned to ride a bike without them. But then one day I tried, I fell down a few times, but I eventually got it. Thanks for this great illustration!

    1. Serendipity! Simultaneous posting on each other’s blogs! Another example of USING the resources available in UoS first rather than looking for something, new, fun, exciting. Exactly what could a next step, next step, and next step process be. I’ve worked with many where this checklist is way too wordy . . . Love to try and use what I read – So many thanks to Melanie!

  2. Sally Donnelly | Reply

    I want to be your student!

    1. Sally,
      So much brilliance in your own teaching. So glad that I have the luxury of some “time” that can be put to good use! ❤

  3. Lee Ann Spillane | Reply

    Love the solid sequence and the way you provide support. Strong work! Teaching is about time and attention— looking for those next steps and not a fancy (expensive, programmatic) fix. I will look forward to hearing more about N’s progress.

  4. Thank you for bringing your journey with N back to your slices and letting us see your next thoughts. I think we seriously doubt the power of shared writing. I can’t wait to hear more about him next week!

  5. Planning is essential for getting results. It is also a great life lesson in that it shows what can be accomplished if one has a plan and a goal. I like that your plan focuses on N and his capabilities and needs.

    1. So want to focus on positives and growth! We’ll see how this goes!

  6. I thrive on structure and clear goals. This student clearly does too. What growth!

    1. Aileen,
      Trying to really think about what an emphasis on strengths can do for writing! Definitely a work in progress!

  7. Oh, how I wish I had these scaffolds in my toolbox when I was still in the classroom! The only thing I can think of to add is a mentor text, perhaps a picture book upon which N’s story could be modeled if writer’s block impedes.

  8. […] week I introduced you to N on March 8 and March 9. We’re hyper focused on helping this 5th grader (recent move in) literally get moving in […]

  9. […] back in with N before the month ends. ( The story began Here, here and […]

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