#CyberPD: Being the Change

To read.

Surface Learning

To absorb and think about applying.

Deep Learning

To really consider the impact of my own words and the power of my actions, thoughts, and words.

Transfer Learning

We have a phrase in Iowa. It’s “Iowa Nice.”  When are we “too nice” and when do we need to stop and consider the impact of our words?  When do we need to step out of our comfort zone?  Some issues seem easier to advocate for?  Is that my background?  Or just my comfort level?

I wrote about this book just two short months ago before the #G2Great chat with author Sara Ahmed.  It feels like more than two months.   So many changes . . . locally, nationally, and internationally.

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I’m rereading it now for #cyberPD . . . just one of several book clubs that I am currently in.  As I thought about “What” to write, it dawned on me.

I read it.

But I didn’t really think it was “about me”.

Being the Change!

I acknowledged my background

And checked it off my list.

Back to the drawing board.


Digging deeper.

Not just doing.

But thinking.

And reading.

And writing.

And determining what actions I need to take.

How will others know this is important to me?

What does it mean to “see the humanity”  and to “activate your empathy”? 

How do I remove the “us” and “them” from my vocabulary?

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Paying lip service is not good enough. 

Nodding my head is not good enough. 

I must do better. It requires change.

Mea Culpa!

Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Deb, Kathleen, Kelsey, Lanny, Melanie, and Stacey for this weekly forum. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here.                                                                                                      slice of life 2016

24 responses

  1. Thanks for sharing this reflection on the difference between surface reading, deep learning and transfer learning. I’m reading this book, too, and sometimes really forcing myself to stop just saying, “Oh yeah, I do that.” It’s good to read about the struggle of those I respect – helps me remember I’m not alone!

    1. Amanda,
      It’s hard to slow down and process deeply at some points. Doing it with notes this time is helping!

  2. that’s a deep dive. There are so many ways to be impactful. I think many of us wonder now if our smaller pool impact, teachers, students, and families, is enough. I’m not sure right now what rise up might mean for me, however it is a worthy consideration.

    1. Enough.
      What an interesting word.
      I just listened to what parents are being charged in the reunification process: the cost of the DNA testing, the flights that are outrageous, the cost of an adult to accompany them. It seems like a double jeopardy / insult / issue after the separation that has already occurred.

  3. This is such an important reminder of how important it is to “walk the walk” instead of simply “talking the talk.” Sometimes as teachers, it can be challenging or sometimes downright difficult to empathize all of the time, but our students need it. We really do need to be the change to support our learners as they grow and develop as people. Thank you for sharing your journey!

    1. Abby,
      Sometimes I think it is just slowing down to have more conversation. Less rush!

  4. I’m really enjoying this book! I think of myself as pretty accepting and understanding of “others”. I want to make sure I am passing that on to my students. I also want to make sure I spend time thinking about how other people might feel – even though I think everything is fine, they might not and I need to acknowledge that.

    1. Lisa,
      Your last sentence is the crux . . . Making the time to allow others to share openly and not letting silence to be understood as agreement. Two big changes for me!

  5. I think I’m going to have to read Being the Change a few times to gain deep knowledge and transfer learning. It’s definitely a step out of my comfort zone, but I’m already feeling like my thinking is starting to change. Change is only going to happen if we make the conscious effort!

    1. Lisa,
      I’ve been reflecting on where and when I stop to reread, but this stopped me in my tracks! It’s hard. 💙

  6. I’m with you on the surface reading, it’s not about me thoughts. You drive home a good point with “nodding my head is not good enough.” Change makes us wiggle a little and feel uncomfortable. We have to be willing to look harder and be better.

    1. Agree. Hate “uncomfortableness” . . . But it is SO necessary for change. 👏

  7. I think so many of us are “head nodders”. Yes, we agree. There is a problem. Yes, we agree. something needs to be done. And that is where it stops. Change begins with the person in the mirror. We can’t sit back and let someone else do it. We don’t get anywhere by taking the back seat.

    1. Ah, love that. Change happens in the driver’s seat not the back seat!!!! 💙💚💜

  8. I love that expression, “Iowa nice.” Being the Change is deceptive. At first, you think, ok, got it. But if you attempt it, oh my, it’s a whole different story. I’m extremely excited about the power and potential this book offers. Glad you are reading it again!

    1. Exactly, Julieanne.
      I love that you used “deceptive” because it seems so simple and yes, “got it” BUT . . . It’s so much more! Power, Potential and some Painstaking Work! This book offers so MUCH!

  9. These words…
    Deep Learning

    To really consider the impact of my own words and the power of my actions, thoughts, and words.


    1. Thanks, Deb. This reflection was the perfect reminder for me to slow down!!! Learning doesn’t always occur on a timeline! 🙂

  10. Fran,
    I’m so glad you are joining the conversation. There is always power in revisiting a text. I’m enjoying reading about your new takeaways as you dig back into Sara’s work. Your questions really have me thinking.


    1. Thanks, Cathy.
      Like life, it’s complicated and there are no EASY answers!

  11. Slowing down to create the opportunity to really see and hear our students is an idea that I think we can agree on. It makes sense to make ourselves available to our students. It makes sense to listen carefully. In practice, however, this is not easily done. Not just because we aren’t yet good at it (which may be true to varying degrees) but because the classroom is a complex place. Regardless of our skill and/or desire, sometimes we will not ‘hear’ or ‘see’ a student in the moment. Teaching is such a difficult job; it’s even a more difficult job to do well. Let’s remember to see the humanity in others, and also to be gentle on ourselves.

    1. I love that “gentle on ourselves” – close to Glen Campbell. However, watching for patterns . . . are there students that I seldom or rarely “hear” or “see”!

  12. Michelle @litlearningzone | Reply

    I must do better. And determining the actions I must take. It is about ALL of us and changing for the better! Thanks for joining in and enjoying some deep, transfer learning with us, Fran!!

    1. Michelle,
      ALWAYS a work in progress. Today’s best draft! 🙂

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