#SOL19: Day 4 SOLSC







Still Silent.


Still Silent.


Silent and almost menacing.

OK. I give.

The screen calls me to “slice”. It is the beacon of light in the room.  Coffeeless.  Not yet awake. Calling. Who knew that I had finally found the setting that kept it awake? No longer sleeping after two seconds of inattention.  No longer at rest.

Time to think and slice. Fingers nimble.  Sleepy eyes semi-focused.

Mentally Rehearsing. Today it was about finding an idea that came from fingers on the keyboard. Fingers moving and a mind ready, waiting and anxious for that first cup of coffee promised after the slice was published.

Relentless mind.

Screenshot 2019-03-04 at 5.24.07 AM

Empty screen.




What’s your “slicing” routine? 

And where are your ideas coming from?

(And a reminder if you get stuck, from the Dirigible Plum, “10 Forms to Try When You are Stuck During the Slice of Life Challenge.”

Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Deb, Kathleen, Kelsey, Lanny, Melanie, and Stacey for this weekly forum from Two Writing Teachers. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here.

Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.12.16 AM.png

37 responses

  1. I just love how you’ve captured this moment so beautifully with poetry. I have been longing to try slicing first thing in the morning — as a way to slow down the morning rush, build a wake up and write routine, and find inspiration in the quiet. You’ve done that, and I’m totally inspired!

    1. Kelsey,
      Can’t wait to see where your inspiration takes you! Routines can vary . . . but starting with a plan and seeing where it takes you is so necessary!

  2. Thanks Fran for always being a resource that calls us to our best selves and then offers support for that. I love being with you on this learning journey.

    1. You are welcome! Always need to keep moving on the learning journey . . . never a straight path!

  3. I like your communion with the screen and the promise of that tantalising cup of coffee once it’s all done!

    1. The coffee was tantalising! Thanks

  4. I admire your morning slicing. I get up at 5 as it is and can’t inspire myself to get up any earlier. I know that being fresher might be better for my writing- maybe my earlier weekend slices will show that…

    1. Erika,
      I was awake at 4 and thought I would read but I could not focus on reading until I had this published! . . .

  5. The one thing I DON’T bribe myself with is coffee. That I’m just allowed to have. Anything else is subject for a writing bribe. Chocolate? Write a page. Popcorn? A page. Go get breakfast? FIrst get your post done. I think I just found my slice for tomorrow…

    1. Melanie,
      The real coffee was downstairs. A whole different set of situations! And not a chocolate person . . .

  6. Love this Fran! My routine is similar – I try not to have coffee or breakfast until I have published my piece. I am usually up at five to let the dogs out and get them fed so they won’t pester me the entire time I am trying to write. Occasionally, I write the night before and save until morning to post, but I am so, so much better in the morning – more productive – and a better time for me to write anything! A cup of coffee or tea is a satisfying reward!

    1. Lynne,
      Get ‘er done! Just makes it easy to me. Then move on! And I am so MORNING!

  7. I have my cup of coffee and thought I would read a few slices before getting started. I can’t keep up this habit, though. We are on Mardi Gras break, so I have the luxury of slicing in the morning. Once we are back in school it won’t be so easy going. I like Melanie’s idea of a bribe. What can I promise myself today?

    1. Margaret,
      I never thought about a break for Mardi Gras. Wow! I love to bribe / reward myself!

  8. I think I write a post about slicing routines every year–love this topic for some reason, and I love reading about other people’s processes. I would not want to wait for coffee until I sliced, though I have to say that might speed the whole slow process up a bit! Thanks for sharing my 10 Forms post too!

    1. Elisabeth,
      I can’t wait to use your 10 Forms myself! I am such a process person! ❤

  9. I used to rehearse and write the day before to be sure I would be “ready” to slice. But I now just sit down at the computer and begin. Where do ideas come from? I guess for me they come from what I’m thinking right now. Then, I start.

    1. Diane,
      So true . . . But we have to move beyond the “Is this worthy of writing” and JUST write!

  10. This is very clever! As a first-time slicer, it gives me ideas and puts me at ease in a new way. Thank you!

    1. Slicing is not about HARD! You can do this! You are welcome!

  11. Fran, your stream of consciousness slice this morning is exactly what I encourage kids to do who don’t think they know what to say. Think on paper and not just in your head-you’ve made that process so visible. Thanks for sharing the 10 tips as well. As always, I am inspired by you!

    1. You are welcome, Paula! Everyone needs multiple paths! And the more visible, the better! ❤

  12. Thank you Fran, It is not easy for me to find topics to write about, although I know there is a story in everything we do or see. I am learning to be creative with it so thank you for this slice. It shows everything is possible and one can create a structure that works. I now go about my day doing some of what you do- “Mentally Rehearsing.”

    1. Juliette,
      I am not a narrative writer. Just not my cup of tea so every March is a struggle. But I cannot get better without the struggle.

  13. Love the way you captured your routine, Fran. I try to write in the morning, but sometimes its later. I’m always on the lookout for something I learned or something ordinary, yet amazing I notice. March has a way of heightening my awareness and helping me be more present. One of the reasons I slice.

    1. Rose,
      Routines vary by location. I agree. Observation is always enhanced in March!

  14. The silence of the screen – didn’t see that one coming. The page can do the same thing. Sometimes it’s the silence in my head that bounces back off the blank slate.

    1. Kristi,
      Silence like fear can be a total STOP! How do we keep going?

  15. I am the opposite. I am a procrastinator. I look for things to do so I don’t have to sit down and write when I know I have no ideas floating around in my head. Let’s see… I need to feed the cats…I need to shovel out the cars…I should check my emails in case there is something important…must have coffee…etc.

    1. Because I am also a procrastinator, I have to pre-set my limits! LOL

  16. I have some ideas on a comp notebook for blog posts in general. I have a special purple one for this challenge. I often will plan some ahead of time but I always change my mind. I use other people’s blog posts as inspiration. As a writer, I try to notice things around me in general. I admit there are days that what I want to write just doesn’t seem quite right. When all else fails I make a list!

    1. Tammy,
      I love that you have a special notebook just for this challenge! I’m often surprised that what I have noticed fits into a piece of writing that seems to have its own destination in mind! ❤

  17. Such a beautiful moment captured here! The beginning really captured my attention, and by the end I was soooo able to relate. Thank you for sharing!!

    1. You are welcome, Danielle. Always amazing to slow down, think, and capture some of the “uncertainty” that is such a part of our lives!

  18. My routine is in a word – random! I don’t usually sit down to a blank screen – I find that more terrifying than a blank journal page. When I am stuck, I sketch what I see. Somehow that settles me and connects me to what I might have to say! Do love this “just let it out” type of slice – it’s an example of there is no right or wrong in writing – just write and see where it takes you! Thanks for sharing!

    1. You are welcome! So many entry points for writers whether they are adults or students!

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