#SOL19: Day 14 SOLSC

Screenshot 2019-03-14 at 12.03.13 AM


Will the weather make it two in a row? 



Which will reign?

Cyclone bomb in Colorado? 

Winter has not been following a predictable pattern . . .

What’s next?

What will happen . . . ?

Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Deb, Kathleen, Kelsey, Lanny, Melanie, and Stacey for this daily March forum from Two Writing Teachers. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here.

Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.12.16 AM.png

How do you REALLY feel about cliffhangers? 

Have you identified the characters?  setting? possible solution? 

You will have to stay tuned for the solution!

16 responses

  1. litcoachconnection | Reply

    I hear you, Fran! It has been an unpredictable winter in upstate NY too. Beautiful snow followed by rain that melts it all! Spring is right around the corner.. maybe?

    1. I won’t complain about the rain although the roads . . . 36 straight hours of rain and YET the snow is not yet gone! soon!

  2. Oh, the weather has been awful across the country with tornadoes and this cyclone bomb! Scary and destructive! I hope spring brings a gentler forecast in all parts of our country. I guess I cannot complain about the weather around Philadelphia. We have had a fairly uneventful winter. I hope you have a good day, Fran.

    1. Lynne,
      I am so planning on it.
      Adventure awaits!

  3. I have a love-hate relationship with storms. I love to watch them – the power and the beauty – but the scare me for sure. We have had a pretty mild winter here — did I just write that? Now, what have I done??!!

    1. Clare,
      Good luck with tempting the weather. Oh my, ours has not been mild. Maybe we will wait for more comments until . . .

  4. Yes indeed weather has been so unpredictable across the country. Makes planning anything difficult. Winter in New England has seen little snow-which is nice and unpredictable. We are all craving the change spring can bring

    1. Christine,
      It has felt like the winter of “Give us our weekly storm” and move on. We were in top 5 “snowiest winters” during Feb. . . . not sure now!

  5. Fran, your poem captures emotions of wonder, fear, and frustration about the weather so well! Like you, can’t wait for spring…

    1. Lanny,
      The lightning was atrocious and then the fog. Spring will be nice, but before spring . . .

  6. Such crazy weather is what March usually brings. Stay safe.

  7. When I get reincarnated, I want to be a weather person. You can predict anything you want and you never have to apologize if you get it wrong. You can use Doppler Radar to tell people what it’s doing “right now” when all they have to do is look out their window. The only thing predictable about the weather is that it’s truly unpredictable, especially in March!

    1. Diane,
      I have often wondered how they all keep their jobs when they seem to be wrong about 50% of the time. TiRUTH: ” The only thing predictable about the weather is that it’s truly unpredictable!”

  8. Yikes- it has been crazy. Where I am we have been spared some of the more severe stuff but we’ve had crazy amounts of rain since last spring and there is standing water everywhere, days after the last rain. Hoping for a calm, mild, dry spring. Like you, I am wondering and asking questions about the weather…

  9. I see how the rest of the country is being slammed and the inconsistency is astounding to me. Best wishes for brighter skies ahead.

  10. I look at the weather map daily on our local news and just shake my head at what I see. I think since our drive out west it means more to me than it once did seeing how we passed through many of the places experiencing severe weather patterns. Hope things soon settle down weather-wise for you, Fran.

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