#SOL19: Generosity

Face to Face

They come from across the world. 10,000 strong. Teachers, Students, Administrators, Authors. Techies. First time attendees. Veteran attendees. The results from long distance planning to present together.  Planning to share a room.  Planning, chatting and sharing sessions to attend, places to go, and glorious meet ups. They come by planes, trains, and cars. Some add on early travel and pick up the Poe Historical Tour. Others stay for #ALAN19. So many choices. So many possibilities.  10,000 friends meeting for: conversation, celebration, food, drink, a Read Aloud, laughter . . . and sharing!


5. Twitter Thread of Top 10 Learnings by Kass Minor

4. Interesting Blog: Conference FOMO?  I really didn’t mean to make you feel left out  (Link)

3. A PhotoStory Blog #NCTE19:  A Collection and Reflection (Here)

2. On Gratitude  (Link)

  1. BEST#NCTE19 Notes: Paula Bourque blog post titled Vicarious PD: Sharing the Wealth of #NCTE19 (Link)

Why? All of Paula’s notes are organized and linked! All. 12. of. them.

What other posts should be added?

Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this weekly forum. Check out the writers and readers here.

Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.12.16 AM.png

7 responses

  1. Wandering the spirit
    of gratitude — the
    attitude of thanks


    1. Kevin,
      YES! Gratitude!

  2. Thank you for sharing, Fran! NCTE is always the highlight of my year, and this year was fabulous!

    1. Jennifer,
      Love that our snapshots can take so many forms! NCTE is always a learning place!

  3. NCTE is a great gathering place of friends, old and new, learning experiences, even for us retired folks, inspirational on so many levels. Glad I was a part of the multitude this year.

  4. NCTE has always been on the fringe of my awareness; thank you for the routes to explore its riches!

    1. Gathering with 10,000 like-minded friends to learn!!! 🙂

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