#SOL20: Let It Go!


Rumors abound.

Topics include:




Bail outs

Finger pointing


To Keep Your Sanity when all about you seems beyond the pale:

  1. Consider the source:  Is it reliable? Trustworthy? Truthful?
  2. Consider the proximity:  Does it impact you?
  3. Consider the emotional load:  Is the exploration going to cause stress and possible harm?
  4. Consider the immediacy:  Can I wait until a pattern emerges?

Set your own threshold.  How many “nos” do you need for the questions above in order to step away and

. . . LET IT GO!

What are your criteria for letting it go?

Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this weekly forum. Check out the writers and readers here.

Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.12.16 AM.png

4 responses

  1. Your slices always help me to reflect. Thanks for including the poem, too!

    1. Sally, it was a quick post. Thinking about my #TCRWP writing homework that needs polish. Today I am wondering if I have “criteria” for every decision/task . . .?

  2. With all that is going on these days it is easy to think with our emotions and not look at facts and sources. For me, a half hour of local news and a half hour of world news is enough. The questions you pose help put things in perspective.

  3. Those 4 things to consider you suggested is very helpful guideline. My school just started up a new controversial topic to discuss this morning and I just asked myself those questions you provided. For most of them though, my answer was “I don’t know just yet”, so I just let it go for now. 🙂

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