#SOL20: Savor

This holiday season . . .

Depressing? Joyful?

Disappointing? Create new traditions?

Dismal? Exciting?

My #OLW for the holiday season is . . .

Instead of bemoaning the missed Ruth family dinner and the contacts with 150+ Baby Ruths, I will savor the time spent writing and posting a note about 2020 on the family site and then joining in the ZOOM!

Instead of stuffing myself with food at the Ruth family dinner, I will savor a leisurely and healthy lunch with a smaller family group.

Instead of rushing from one event to another, I will savor the time between Zooms and add in texts and chats that will extend that sense of community that we have deepened this year.

Instead of “buying, buying, buying”, I will savor the joy and the time well spent on the handcrafted creations that I designed specifically for each of the recipients.

Many emotions are already present as December winds down but I will savor the love and joy of connecting with living friends and relatives near and far as we also begin to plan to meet up in late 2021 and 2022.

2020 will not end the way I would prefer. However, I will choose to SAVOR life and enjoy the interactions that are possible.

What will you choose to celebrate and savor this holiday season? What word or phrase will help you navigate the holidays?


Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this weekly forum. Check out the writers and readers here.

Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.12.16 AM.png

8 responses

  1. I think you have the right attitude here, Fran!

    Our Chanukah is very different this year. Usually we’re rushing around to different events and parties. This year, we’re totally home. It’s given me the chance to try a lot of new recipes and to celebrate in new ways at home. Truth be told, I’m enjoying it.

    1. Definitely looking for the silver linings. Taking some risks. Forward motion.

  2. I love your word, “savor.” It is the perfect thought for this holiday season – to step back and discern what is still beautiful, loving, embracing, joyful, and wonderful. Thank you for this!

  3. I think you have a good plan. With recent a Covid diagnosis in my family, I am just hoping we can all make it to the other side….nothing else matters.

    1. Weary of solitude but willing to embrace slivers of joy. Best wishes to your family.

  4. I agree – there are silver linings. Slowing down and being home offers new opportunities and traditions. Sounds like you have a lot to look forward to!

  5. Good for you! From another Ruth! thereisnosuchthingasagodforsakentown.blogspot.com

  6. I think I will savor a quiet day spent with Kathy and the cats, dressing in comfy lounging clothes, cooking a dinner of turkey tetrazzini and anticipating the time when family can once again gather without fear of possibly infecting each other.

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