Slice of Life 12: Tenacity

(During March, I am blogging daily as a part of the Slice of Life Story Challenge!)

Last month marked the 85th anniversary of my father’s birth day. He wasn’t physically with us for Evan’s graduation or wedding, but I have been thinking of him a lot as I consider how to honor his memory.


Dad hated that we had to make the house “handicapped accessible” with bars in the bathroom and a walk-in shower, but those accommodations meant that he was able to be independent at home. Dignity.  Self-sufficiency.

Why was that important?

Dad fell and broke his hip.  With his diabetes and his myopathy (and heart problems including a pacemaker), his recovery was slow. He needed therapy and care beyond what Mom could provide.  Entering a nursing home was totally out of the question, but it was also the only solution.  Dad’s goal was to work his way out as quickly as possible.  He wasn’t always the “happiest camper” but he was willing to do “anything” that would get him out of there and back on his own two feet.




Absolutely, but also willing to work through the pain to meet his goal!

As I reflect on his life, I have even greater admiration for the way he achieved the goals that he desired.  Thanks for your tenacity, Dad!

Special thanks to the hosts of the Slice of Life Challenge:  StaceyTaraDanaBetsyAnna, and Beth.   More Slice of Life posts can be found at  Two Writing Teachers .

15 responses

  1. Loved this, Fran!

  2. It is interesting how our parents influence, shape us. I love how you look back with greater perspective and say wow. This makes me think of my dad, living a long life. Extremely tough, tenacious, resilient, you gotta be. What models!

    1. Julieanne,

      I haven’t done the math, but I am assuming that parents have their children for far more time than school so yes, I am thinking their influence is huge! (And I am not counting “sleep time”)

      Thanks for your thinking – and for reminding me of resilient. . . . I had not used that YET!

  3. Allison Jackson | Reply

    Really enjoyed reading about your dad, Fran, and the lessons you took away from watching hime work to get back home. Isn’t it funny how our parents keep teaching us right up to the very end?

    1. Allison,

      Now I wish I had paid better attention and been less of a “know it all” from that view of the child saying “Yeah, right” to a parent!

      “We don’t know what we have until it’s gone!”

      Thanks for commenting. ❤

      1. Allison Jackson

        You are killing me w/ these reflections about your parents. Very much on my mind, too. I can’t tell you how much and how often I wish I had paid better attention.
        And you said it best: You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.”

      2. Thanks, Allison!

        We need to capture the stories of our children and our parents and grandparents!

  4. I love this piece, Fran. Of course, it makes me think so much of my own father and everything I learned from him. I wish your father was with you still, on his 85th birthday. But through your writing, he is.

    1. Thanks, Anna!

      I have several slices started about my dad. I am known, in my family, for my photo books, but I think I want to wait and add some poetry and/or stories. Narrative writing is still “NOT” my favorite, but I have discovered that I do have some stories to tell!

      I loved your “turning points” piece yesterday for the classroom and am pondering where that also fits in my life! This writing – causing thinking and more reading! What a circle!

  5. Your dad sounds like a magnificent human being , Fran – that was a generation that knew endurance and perseverance. We have become a nation of entitled whiners these days, I fear.

    1. Oh, Tara, “entitled whiners” is such a good phrase! And definitely “whining at the top of our lungs or to the masses via keyboards” to “get our way!”

      Such a good laugh from this phrase. I so appreciate your response today; perfect timing that matches my work!

  6. My mom is going through a similar situation right now- super independent at age 80, living in her own home, still driving, etc. until she collapsed and had emergency brain surgery a couple of weeks ago. She is in an assisted living situation but really wants to resume her old life. I’m struck, every day, by her bravery in the face of adversity.

    1. Thanks, Carol. My mom is now in an apartment (it was one winter storm and no electricity for days that convinced her that life on the farm was not fun) and is able to go and do about anything she can dream up!

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