#SOL15: March Challenge Day 3

Slice of Life

Check out the writers, readers and teachers here. Thanks to Stacey, Anna, Beth, Tara, Dana and Betsy at “Two Writing Teachers” for creating a place for us to share our work.



on the weather map.

Not the green of rain

Nor the white of snow.

Temperature is 32.


Changed to sleet,

pesky pellets of frozen rain,

Causing delays.

Two hour late start –

Found time?

But wait . . .

– 5 tomorrow night

and 50’s for weekend highs . . .

This roller coaster

named Winter



Winter Lingers in Iowa!  How about where you are?

24 responses

  1. It has been a crazy winter! In Houston, Texas we will be 78 today and back in the 40s for a high on Thursday. I think we could all use a little spring! Stay warm friend.

    1. Jessie,
      Envious of 78 . . . somewhere I saw pictures of kids in short sleeves yesterday after hearing the weatherman say that 47 states had snow on the ground. I find that simply amazing. . . Poor Floridians to be left out as the only state in the Continental US with no snow anywhere!

      Thinking warm thoughts, Jessie! AND extra time to read this morning! ❤

      1. Enjoy it!! We will soon be missing some of it😊

  2. I’m ready to have full days of school in trade for warmer days. There has been so. much. snow. Love the references to the weather map, Fran!

    1. Melanie,
      My friends laugh as I watch the weather map. I act like I’m on the farm with the weather dictating my every move. Instead I’m watching the weather forecast before driving hither and yon to my schools.

      Normal schedule is my goal – temperature would be less burdensome without the sudden shifts!

  3. I am only thinking SPRING. 17 days. 🙂 It is dreary here, too. Areas to our north and east have late starts. My driveway feels a little slick, but city roads are probably okay.

    I hope you don’t get more ice. Ice is the worse! Stay safe!


  4. Love the poem, hate the conditions that prompted it. We will be riding the same roller coaster of weather for the next few days. In the end we should add another five inches of snow to turn into slush by the weekend.

    1. So hate to say this, but any amount of snow is preferable to immobilizing ice! 🙂

      Big training days so the poetry is fun for me while I am out of town!

  5. Crazy stuff! We are less extreme, but still nutty. Something about weather and poetry. It’s perfect together. I had that same thought about the roller coaster effect of winter–mostly from kids screaming!

    1. I agree – a visual and sounds that stuck with me! We had schools cancel today so I am actually looking forward to getting Work Work done! LOL

  6. A roller coaster winter indeed – what a glorious poem, though – pesky pellets, Not the green of rain/nor the white of snow – I love the way that you are branching out and trying new stuff. Bravo!

    1. Thanks, Tara. Trying out some comparisons and visual descriptions – so kind of you to notice!

  7. We just got word last night that on Thursday we may be getting 5-10″. And the post by a local group of weather aficionados read, “Not kidding.” I was disappointed that we got our only big snow on Thanksgiving and then just little annoyances. But the cold has really dampened my spirits. I will not believe Thursday until I see it.

    1. Aileen,
      I hope you don’t get quite that much. Maybe some of it will “disappear” and your will drop down to 4-6! I think “believing when you see it” is a great policy!

  8. This roller coaster weather is what makes me under the weather every year. I can’t stand it. It’s like, pick one Mother Nature!

    1. Stacey,
      I so understand why you can’t tell Isabelle in advance about plans that may have to cancel due to the weather as I hate when that happens to my plans as well! Riding the roller coaster is not my idea of “FUN” but I don’t think I have any choice! ❤

  9. Love the structure of a poem… we need to try that. Thanks for the weather forecast –sounds like MA tomorrow! Hang in there.
    Clare and Tammy

    1. Love that the weather does leave and show up somewhere else another day!

  10. I would like to see yellow on the map for sunshine. I am tired of pinks and whites. Oh well, it is March and Spring is right around the corner—I hope.

    1. I would LOVE to see yellow on the map for sunshine. Would that not be fabulous?

      Eternally optimistic – Spring IS around the corner!!!

  11. Love this poem! Fran, it’s the middle of winter here in Vermont. We’ve got at least another month of snowy weather. Ski season usually ends in early May!

    1. Wow! I had no idea that ski season lasted until May! The Midwest sounds a bit brighter! Winter does, however, officially end this month!

  12. Love your poem, Fran. Right now we have about a foot and half of snow on the ground and it’s sleeting. Yuck!

    1. Thanks, Catherine!

      That’s a lot of snow on the ground! We’ve had our days of “fog” due to the high snow cover . . . always something! It’s girls’ state basketball tournament week so of course it is not going to be NICE!

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