#SOL15: March Challenge Day 19

Some days it seems as though time is our friend.  On other days time seems to slowly ebb away, totally out of our control and with little to show for our use of time.  I just wrote about time Tuesday in this post. It’s another full day of professional development today with a twist – a two hour drive to get there . . . and at the end of the day, a two hour trip home.  How do I concentrate on my OLW which is FOCUS and yet make it the best day possible?

keep calm and stay focused

Busy day,

Time to get started.

Busy day,

Write my goals.

Busy day,

List the tasks.

Busy day,

No time to play.

Busy day,

Must write my blog post.

Busy day,

Time to focus.

Busy day,

How to add some fun?

Busy day,

How to add some choice?

Busy day,

No more dawdling.

Busy day,

Time to move!

Busy day,

It’s up to me the attitude I choose!

slice of life

Check out the writers, readers and teachers here. Thanks to Stacey, Anna, Beth, Tara, Dana and Betsy at “Two Writing Teachers” for creating a place for us to share our work.  So grateful for this entire community of writers who also read, write and support each other!

19 responses

  1. Two hour drive each way gives plenty of think time (also makes a really long day). The downside is when an idea sparks you can’t jot it down. No dawdling allowed when you’ve got a distance to go. Have a great day, I know the teachers will appreciate all you bring to them.

    1. Once I got there, Lee Ann, it was a great day. Slice coming about the “getting there”!

  2. I hope you get a chance to jot those ideas down at each end of the drive, to clear your head! Maybe some car singing and dancing (within reason!) for the “fun” part?

  3. You are right it’s all in the attitude. As I face the day, and night (Open House is today) you remind me of what will carry me through with happiness: attitude!

    1. It’s always about our responses which are within our control (even if we don’t like it!)

  4. It’s always in the attitude. It’s hard business… staying focused and on-task with our own lives when we do so much for others (isn’t it?).

    1. You said that so well, Stacey! It’s truly about juggling all those balls simultaneously! Sometimes life just has to be interesting!

  5. Attitude can make or break us. It is our choice.finding a balance is so important in keeping our sanity (at least it is for me). Good luck with your day.

    1. Well, I didn’t have to wait for Paul Harvey’s part 2 – but you all will hear more TOMORROW!

  6. Sometimes I think I am more focused on busy days than I am on not-so-busy days. Making a list always helps me, too.

    1. That is so interesting, Dana, as I have found that too . . . especially when I think I have all this time with nothing scheduled and somehow it feels like my time has just “slipped away”!

  7. It is all about attitude. It sounds like yours is in the right spot. When I have a long drive, I crank up the music and sing myself there. Have fun!

    1. OK, second person to sing along. . . I do crank the tunes up though and whine just a touch when I loose my favorite radio station!

  8. Hope you’re home by now. Attitude is everything. My mom likes to say, “If you don’t like something but can’t change it, change how you think about it.”

    I’ve been reminded of your post on TIME all week. LOVED it.

    1. It’s been one of those weeks when TIME has been king for a variety of reasons and yes, 12 hours later . . . I am HOME! ❤

  9. So true…it’s our attitude to busyness. Hope you had a great day, Fran.

  10. tcrwpliteracycoach | Reply

    You inspire me Fran! Thank you for posting and for your honesty. I can relate Fran! I understand – I just took a cab, train, ferry, and another car service to get home from PD.

    1. Many things in life are worthwhile – but not easy! Focus seems to be helpful!

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