#SOL15: Think, Believe, Dream, Dare

think, believe, dream, dare

Who are the heroes in your school?  Who dreams and dares to provide experiences that show students the world outside? One hero that I know is a band director who takes students on day trips to Chicago as well as out-of-state trips that have included:

Competition and Half time performance at the San Antonio Alamo Bowl

Parade and half time performance at the Orange Bowl

New York City Travel – April 2015

“On Broadway” Central High School (DeWitt) Broadway Classroom with John Arthur Greene, vocals & David Robison, conductor Wednesday, April 1st, 2015

91 students + chaperones = Experience of a lifetime!

Thanks, Director Greubel!

believe flower

Believe in Students!

Believe in Teachers!

A  longer look at the NYC travels 

Check out the writers, readers and teachers who are “slicing” here. Thanks to Stacey, Anna, Beth, Tara, Dana and Betsy at “Two Writing Teachers” for creating a place to share our work.  So grateful for this entire community of writers who also read, write and support each other!


14 responses

  1. I love to read about teachers/staff in schools who make such a positive difference!

    1. Wouldn’t it be great if even 10 minutes of the 30 minutes of “news” was about “positive” events/actions?

      So nice for students to get to literally experience the world beyond Iowa!!!

  2. What a wonderfully inspirational post. There are lots of teachers doing great things in every building, in every school. we need to celebrate them.

    1. Adrienne,
      I agree that teachers are doing “great things in every buiilding in every school” and “we need to celebrate them”.

      So important to share this message wide and far!

  3. So many teachers doing so many wonderful things for their students. These are the things that need to be celebrated in the media.

    1. Absolutely!
      No disagreement here!

  4. What great living experiences for your students! Our band director would take a major trip every four years so that the students always had a chance to travel far from their small town. Any sponsor who travels with kids is brave indeed, but so blessed by sharing the world beyond school borders.

    1. My son was fortunate to travel to Chicago and Florida on band trips.

      I remember my HS band trips as well – Rocky Mountain Camps/Denver, Nashville/Ft. Knox, and they all included multiple concerts!

      Great experiences for all Midwestern kids in my opinion!

  5. Thanks for highlighting the positive – so many teachers are truly amazing! We all need to remember our life’s work and the difference a teacher makes in a child’s life.

    1. So true! And there are so many routes to success for our students. We cannot take away the FUN – the arts, etc. – where some students soar to the mountain tops!

  6. It is refreshing to read about your band director. My school plans a camping trip for the 5th gr in June and I keep thinking – really…do I have to go? But it will be an amazing experience for my city-living students and of course, I will enjoy it once I’m there or at least once it is all over! Field trips really are important! Those authentic experiences!

    1. Thanks, Sally!
      I love your use of “my band director” as this is my nephew (not my school)! Real life . . . see the world! What opportunities!

      I saw many states and three countries as a result of high school band trips. The world is bigger than our schools!

  7. What an incredible experience for these young musicians. Kudos to Director Greubell!

    1. So nice to see a bigger picture of the world!

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