#SOL15: Welcome!

Our news is not new news.

We know . . .

We will soon be proud grandparents.

The unknown . . .



Yes, soon!

How soon?

Not the due date!

Not a Derby Baby!

Not the day after.

Nor the next day

Nor the next

Days pass

Should I go?

Should I stay?

Waiting . . ..

Until it’s time!

grandson announce

Excitement builds!

On Mother’s Day

The hospital waiting room beckons

Others waiting

Hushed voices



Memories of the birth of my son a quarter century ago.


My son’s son.

A healthy baby boy!


My heart is full!

Dreams of our future

Dreams of the possibilities


Welcome, grandson!


Check out the writers, readers and teachers who are “slicing” here. Thanks to Stacey, Anna, Beth, Tara, Dana and Betsy at “Two Writing Teachers” for creating a place to share our work.  So grateful for this entire community of writers who also read, write and support each other!

34 responses

  1. Congratulations!!!! That is so exciting!!! YAY!!!!

    1. Thanks, Michelle!
      Happy Days Ahead!

  2. You are in for the best experiences ever. Being a Grandmother is everything people say it is and more. Congratulations.

    1. What a miracle! So amazing! ❤

  3. I got goosebumps reading your news. So happy for you and your family. Love, love, love on that new baby!

    1. Erin,
      Thanks so much! Amazing how a little bundle of joy can so totally take over your heart! ❤

  4. Just when you thought life couldn’t get more joyful, you find there’s always room in your heart for more. Congratulations.

    1. So true, Kimberly. I never knew that I needed a daughter. She’s been such a joy for the last two years, and now a grandson . . . complete JOY! ❤

  5. Enjoy this new season of life, Fran. Congratulations!

    1. Already AMAZING! Thanks, Stacey!

  6. Such a joy filled post! My mother died when my children were four and six, but my daughter always remembered that Grandma would let you have marshmallows before breakfast! I love the house rules.

    1. Ramona,

      I thought those house rules were interesting. My son always believed that dessert would be first on holidays. It worked! So then a great-nephew asked for pie for breakfast. Since it was gooseberry pie that he wanted (my all time favorite), I of course agreed!

      Works for me!

      So glad that your children have memories. Just a reminder to preserve some – as we live in the present!

  7. Congratulations, Fran. How exciting for you and his parents. Enjoy spoiling him. I am sure he will never suffer from a lack of love.

    1. My goal is to completely spoil him!!! LOL

  8. Congratulations! Grandchildren bring such joy into life–they turn cloudy days into sunny celebrations!

    1. Dea,
      I love that! We’ve celebrated every minute so far! Thanks!

  9. Congratulations! It is a stage I look forward to- I wonder if and when my turn will come (with sons ages 21 and 23 who knows).

    1. Thanks, Erika!
      I’ve got the best daughter-in-law in the world! She’s a real jewel!

  10. I’m so happy for you and yours! Beautiful boy! So glad the waiting is over and all is well. “My son’s son”- This line touches my heart. The thought of my child’s child makes me weepy in a good way.

    1. I’m having a hard time believing my son has a son! Not doubting either my age or his – just WOW! What a change! ❤


  11. Fran! Congratulations and what a beautiful way to share you joyous news! So very happy for you. 💞

    1. So exciting! Thanks, Dayna!

  12. Hooray hooray! Sending you big hugs of love!

    1. Thanks, Tara!

      Many, many hugs!

  13. Congratulations! Wishing lots of love and health and happiness to the newborn and his family.

    1. Thanks!
      Love that – love, health and happiness!

  14. Congratulations, Fran! What a wonderful Mother’s Day gift. I’m so happy for you and all your family.

    1. Thanks, Catherine! It’s been a fabulous week!

  15. Congratulations, Fran! I couldn’t be happier for you and I LOVED when you tweeted the picture out last night during our chat! So happy for you!

    1. Thanks, Dana! You know that I wouldn’t have missed the chat without a good reason . . . intermittent wifi at the hospital! Such a joy from the birth of a child!

  16. Welcome to the world grandson! Huzzah for Grandmas and Memes and Grandmeres too. Wishing you all of the joy!

  17. Congratulations — I could just see the twinkle in your eye through your words! You are going to be one fun Grandma!! What a lucky little boy.

    1. I’m already thinking Disney World for the grandson and some cousins! Fun . . . and YET time for reading and writing! LOL!

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