#SOL16: Choose Kind!

keep calm and choose kind.png

When someone stumbles,

Choose kind, and help them right themself.

When someone questions,

Choose kind, and answer patiently.

When someone is stuck,

Choose kind, and ask “How can I help?”

When someone is hungry,

Choose kind, and teach them to cook.

When someone is lonely,

Choose kind, and be there for them.

When someone is sad,

Choose kind, and cheer then up.

Whe someone is tired,

Choose kind, and help them find rest.

When someone is struggling,

Choose kind, and help them find their path.

When someone is silent,

Choose kind, and listen intently to what is not said.

When someone is afraid,

Choose kind, and calm their fears.

Don’t wait for them to ask for help . . .

Choose kind, and be there waiting

Shoulder to shoulder,

Heart to heart,

A friendly face and

. . . that steady, helping hand !!!

Slow down, look around, REALLY look with your heart.  

How can you lend a helping hand, a calming voice, or shelter in the midst of a raging storm?

slice of life 2016

Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Dana, Deb, Kathleen, and Stacey. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here.  Thank you for this weekly forum!

27 responses

  1. This is a great precept that you shared today, Fran. I love the book WONDER and all that it has to offer. You can never share too much kindness! ~Amy

    1. A little more kindness and courtesy is so desperately needed!

  2. This reminds me of what’s currently written on my quote board – If someone needs a friend, be one. Such important points to remember in your piece. Sometimes it comes down to time, too. Slow down. Take the time. Actually notice who needs a helping hand. It’s easy not to even see where we can offer kindness when we are in the midst of our busy lives. But kindness is needed for sure.

    1. So true. One kind word can change the world.

  3. Fran – this is beautiful. So well crafted and a wonderful message. This would be great to use with students for multi-purposes. My favorite line is: When someone is silent,

    Choose kind, and listen intently to what is not said.

    I am noticing the importance of this more and more.

    1. So true….let the quiet speak…

  4. I think this is beautiful and important. I don’t think most people go out of their way to be mean, but I do think many people don’t go out of their way to be kind. Thank you for the reminder.

    1. I agree. But I am working hard to intentionally pay better attention when patterns are disrupted!!!

  5. A lovely and needed post today. Love to you my dear friend.

    1. Back at you, my friend! ❤

  6. Always the best choice, Fran. Wishing this for the election year very much.

    1. Politics, in Iowa, last forever. I would love to have just the advertising money at my discretion!

  7. maryannreilly | Reply

    Any chance, Fran you would like to run for President of US? Choose kind, yes.

    1. Mary Ann, Can’t stand the drama. Definitely believe in term limits!!! ❤

  8. I think many people forget that kindness is a choice and it is one that each of us can make. We just have to want to. Thanks, Fran, for showing us the many ways this choice can be made.

    1. I think sometimes the cheapest and easiest ways are often the hardest to execute!

  9. I’m choosing kind right with you Fran. Kind!!!!!

    1. Thanks, Bonnie. Some folks are going to have loooooooong summers without many safety nets!

  10. What a great message, Fran! Thanks for sharing – the scaffold is a good choice for this poem. Love the line about struggling and helping someone to choose his/her path. Good advice for kids and adults!

    1. You are welcome… it involved some fun thinking!

  11. A message we need to hear and say again and again. Choose kind,

    1. Say it, do it, and live it!

  12. Love your poem, Fran. The pacing and spacing of it really does get readers to slow down and think about kind. It’s beautiful!

    1. Thanks, Melanie. Always good to slow down and think about what is REALLY important.

  13. Oh Fran, I needed this reminder! It’s such a crazy time of year, we have to remember it’s crazy for everyone! Choose kind. YES!!!!

    1. It’s so easy to forget to MAKE time!!! Reminders are always good. Thanks for commenting!

  14. Thank you for this beautiful reminder, Fran.

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