#SOLSC17: “Your connection is not secure”

Have you ever gotten this message?

If not, consider yourself fortunate.

Unfortunately, this morning it is my message on Google Chrome.

It is my message on Firefox.

It is my message on my Dell.

It is my message on my iPad mini.

Fortunately. It is not my message on my Samsung phone.


On Day 2 of the SOLSC!

     Change in plan.

      Change in topic.

      How does this work from the app?

      New learning?


It’s really a small blip in the day.

But after 79 minutes of  computer frustration, my writing time is totally gone.

What other surprises will I find today?

(P.S. My computer was in the repair shop from 7:30 – 11:00 a.m.)

slice of life

Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Deb, Kathleen, Lanny, Lisa, Melanie, and Stacey for this weekly forum and the #SOLSC that runs from March 1 to the 31st. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here. 

29 responses

  1. It is as you say, “a small blip” but UGH! I hate to start my day out with things like this. I hope any other surprises you get today are good ones

    1. Deb,
      Fairly smooth sailing today. I had a chrome book to use this morning while my computer was in the shop from 7:30 – 11 am. YISH! Hopefully, I will have a smooth month of blogging NOW! ❤

  2. I have been there, Fran. So sorry your morning started out like this, but thrilled you got some writing in anyway.

    1. Katherine,
      I can barely remember what I was really going to post today. I haven’t had the heart to “look” to see if it’s still floating somewhere! What a day!

  3. Oh, boy! Technology – when it works, it’s a beautiful thing, and when it lets you down – total frustration and my vocabulary disintegrates into a lot of four-letter words! Glad you found a way around the problem, Fran!

    1. Lynne,
      Thank you! Yes, there were a few of those nasty “turn the sky blue” words! Seriously, in need of a glass of wine or two this evening! ❤

  4. Phyllis Sutton | Reply

    Oh No! Isn’t it funny how we have come to rely on technology for so much, and then at times we just hate it? Hope the rest of your day is “snag-free.”

    1. Phyllis,
      So much for getting all my work completed today! I’m voting for just not getting any farther behind. . . whatever that is. . . ❤

      Thanks so much for commenting!

  5. Fran! That’s reason to panic! Sounds like instead of panicking you mobilized your resources and out-of-the-box problem solving. I hope the “bugs” fly away and you get your tech groove back!

    1. Kathy,
      I so hate to panic but I am such a creature of habit. I was writing this morning because there was no OTHER time left in the schedule. Not.one.minute!

      LOL! Proved me wrong!

  6. When it works, it is a marvel; when tech goes bad, it is a disaster. You certainly managed to turn a disaster into a good piece of writing. I hope tomorrow goes better.

    1. Yes, a marvel when it works! And MINE does get a workout. That was definitely the wrong way to ask for a break!

      LOL! Thanks for responding!

  7. Not being technologically savvy I would panic because I would not know what to do. Somehow these kinds of things happen at the least opportune moment (as if there is eer a good time for this to happen). I have had this happen and it is frustrating. It seems to cloud everything else that happens during the day. Hope things get better.

    1. What a cloud! I “think it’s better” but I’m also trying NOT to tempt fate
      too much!
      Thanks for the good wishes!

  8. Bravo – you took your tech frustrations and used your only safe device to craft a slice!

    1. Tara,
      Skinny slice,
      But slice it is.
      Tech woes cause
      Me to pause . . .
      All’s well,
      At least for now,
      Tomorrow’s bell
      May pack a POW!


  9. Technology can make or break a day, Love that you conquered it and learned something new in the process!!! Hope your day started shining after that!!!

    1. YES, and then it snowed! Seriously! Snow today and then 60 tomorrow. . . such a bizarre weather pattern!

  10. Did any more surprises appear? Am I too late to pick my #OLW?

    1. No surprises that I know of! Of course, never too late to pick your #OLW!

  11. I love how you still did what you needed to do despite the challenges! Love the flexibility you showed today as a writer. Well done!

    1. Michelle,
      It felt like desperation but I appreciate the “flexibility” moniker. It may fit into my revision for tomorrow!

      It was surely just ONE of those days!!!!

  12. Funny how we are all device dependent! Hope your day got better as it went along.

  13. And how reliant on technology we have become is scary and sad, isn’t it. So glad you were at least able to get a slice out of it, though. Here’s to a better Friday!

  14. Technology is great… until it isn’t. Glad all ended well!

  15. Oof! Tech troubles can set your day on a path that you weren’t expecting. Kudos to you for finding another way – problem solving and flexibility at their finest!

    1. Ashley,
      Some days it is so easy to be derailed! So true! That’s the second flexibility! That’s NOT how it felt in the moment! LOL

  16. schmidtkristas | Reply

    Oh the horror or tech failure! It can derail us in so many ways. I guess we can look positively and think how they push us to develop our problem solving skills, to be innovative, to push our own boundaries. Bravo to you!

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