#SOL17: Discovery

joy write fletcher.JPG

What do I want to discover this summer?  

What’s my goal?  

How will I grow and learn?

I plan to continue to grow my writing skills.  I will work on narratives but I also want to discover or uncover additional ways that informational writing can be fun.  I want to practice with Weebly, infographics, and video.  My journey is sparked by a 2ndaryELA facebook post that led me to this weebly created by a junior as a result of a semester long genius hour project.  Whitefish Point

I want to deliberately and purposefully take the same information and write it in several different ways to see whether graphics or text structures make it more understandable.  I want to know when I “really own it”!

Topic – not yet chosen

My fascination with weebly . . .

What is Weebly?  print

Review with Pros and Cons of Weebly

Differences between Weebly and Word Press

What is Weebly?  (video)

I believe that I will actually be creating a “multi-genre report” as I simultaneously work on

1) writing stamina

2) becoming more familiar with my chromebook

3) documenting my learning

4) digging into writing craft and standards simultaneously

What do you plan to discover this summer?  Where will you find joy?  What will you own?

Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Deb, Kathleen, Lanny, Lisa, Melanie, and Stacey for this weekly forum. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here.                                                                                                      

Why?  Teachers’ Writing Matters


12 responses

  1. I love how you’ve set out this project for yourself. I use Weebly as my classroom website but probably not to the extent I should. Looking forward to learning alongside you and perhaps updating mine along the way!

    1. Julieanne,
      Any tips that you have would be greatly appreciated!

  2. This is a wonderful goal. I hope you will share your progress. I’m not at all familiar with Weebly.
    This summer is dedicated to my writing life. Not sure where that will lead…

    1. Margaret,
      My whole point in going public was to ensure that I do the work!!!

  3. What a wonderful goal you have set for yourself, Fran. There is so much out there to learn and is is just waiting for us to seek it out. Look forward to hearing about your progress.

    1. Always more to learn and I think combining writing with some tech will keep me pushing forward . . . As long as tech cooperates!

  4. You’ve set up quite an agenda for your summer. I get it. School’s out, so now’s the time to delve back in. Go you! I’ve created two new blogs since school’s been out, so now I have three. Also, I literally have two one-foot-tall stacks of books on my nightstand just staring at me. Reading is a luxury because writing is more laborious and requires more discipline and that’s where blogging is helpful. It forces me to write regularly. Good luck with your goals. I’ll be interested in your Weebly investigation. Happy summer!

    1. Marilyn,
      It all begins with high expectations!

  5. Today is my first day of summer! I’ve been thinking about goals, which include writing and reading, as well as projects around the house. You have really thought yours through, and that’s what I need to do as well.

    1. Becky,
      This is actually day 2 for me so I thought my public plan would keep me on my toes!

  6. Fran, I love the fact that you have made a plan for summer. With all that I want to squeeze in I know it won’t happen on its own. You have encouraged me to be a little more planful. Thank you!

    1. Christine,
      My plan is for one day of reading and one day of writing each week and then 5 days to play. We’ll see how it goes . . .

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