#SOL17: “Write, Write, Write!”


Day 2

and they chanted,

“Write!  Write!  Write!”

On Day 2

a classroom

filled with second graders


“Write!  Write!  Write!”

Forming a community,

Working on routines,


YET . . .

“When is writing?”


“Write!  Write!  Write!”

Filled the air waves.

This writing teacher’s heart is filled with joy.

A classroom of second graders

On Day 2



Even Anxious,


Write, Write, Write!

If your students come to you this year filled with a passion and joy for writing, how will you maintain and extend it?  

If your students are not YET filled with a passion and joy for writing, how will you create a love for writing?

And special thanks to the kindergarten and first grade teachers who helped these students find JOY in writing!

Thanks to the teacher and 2nd graders for being a part of my teaching life this week!

Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Deb, Kathleen, Lanny, Melanie, and Stacey for this weekly forum. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here.                                                                                                      slice of life 2016

22 responses

  1. What excitement, enthusiasm, and energy exude from this slice! The questions at the end are perfect. The joy CAN happen, and will, once teachers believe it and set the wheels in motion. If writing is a chore for the teacher, it surely will be for the kids.

    1. Fran,
      What an important point because that notion of “chore” and/or “silly writing tasks” could easily kill off the excitement, enthusiasm, and energy! Students who “can’t wait to write” are truly a blessing!

      1. The teacher sets that atmosphere for “can’t wait to write”! I love nothing more than walking in a classroom and seeing little faces light up – they know writing is going to be an EXPERIENCE! The whole dynamic is a blessing- yes.

  2. What a gift – kids excited to write. Your questions are so important!

    1. Thanks, Aileen!
      So much is possible when the students are already excited!

  3. That rocks! I can’t wait to hear about the fun you all will have with words and writing.

    1. Lee Ann,
      Such an auspicious beginning to the year!

  4. That enthusiasm is such a gift! Thanks for posing those important questions at the end of your piece–I’m still waiting to meet my class and will definitely keep your questions in mind when I do!

    1. YES, what practices and teacher beliefs created such AVID writers?
      Critical to know and explore!!! ❤

  5. What a fun adventure now that you finally got into the second grade classroom! Lucky kids to have you teaching them in these early days.

    1. Erika,
      Thanks but I’m NEW to second grade so I’m learning right alongside them. Just such fun to have the excitement in the air (and on paper)!

  6. That was an amazing moment indeed! I’m glad you were able to savor it through writing about it.

    1. Thanks, Erin!
      It is a wonderful way to let the JOY linger and as you said, “savor it”!

  7. Retirement, schmetirement! Glad to see you’re back at it with kids, Fran!

    1. Stacey,
      There is something about “doing” what I want to do! Does that surprise you? As an adjunct instructor at Morningside College, I have to log a day in a classroom every year (or 5 days for the next 5 years). Co teaching or substitute teaching. . . not just observing. I think it’s a great requirement! ❤

  8. This is definitely a joy filled post, Fran. As others have said , it is the attitude of the teacher that sets the tone in the room. As far as retirement goes, does a teacher ever retire or does the teacher just move on to a different environment and other kinds of students. How wonderful to be able to take that joy and expand it.

    1. THANKS so much!
      Joy is my life.
      Such is retirement! ❤

  9. Your fonts alone exude joyfulness and excitement. You make me want to write!
    yes – and thank you for the reminder that joy in reading and writing IS EVERYTHING!

    1. Thanks, Christine! Everyone should WANT to write! ❤

  10. Fran, Fran…the joy is MINE! 😀 What an amazing blessing to have you coach these new second graders in their passion for writing. You are inspiring them daily, and as they take small steps and big steps I can’t wait to see where their writing will take them this year. I am thankful for every minute you are spending with us, and promise to keep their love of writing growing all through the year. (Plus, now that they know you published a piece about them on your blog…you are officially famous and our class friend forever!) ❤️

    1. The pleasure is all mine!
      Thanks to all the teachers, families, and other students who have also shared their love of writing and STORIES! ❤
      You ROCK!

  11. […] my virtual colleagues, Fran McVeigh, recently wrote about the joy of writing  (check out her post here!).  Fran really got me thinking…how can we support and foster joy in writing with middle […]

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