#SOL18: March 23

Do they?  Do they not?

Yesterday’s post was a poem about drivers using their turn signals (here).

Data time.  Do note that this was raw data collected while driving.  Not verified. Perhaps not 100% accurate. Tally marks on the back of an envelope.

Who was the best/worst at using their turn signals when driving?

Truck drivers? 

Other car drivers? 

Me – who was complaining? 

Your predictions before reading further . . .   

And the envelope of data that has been kept on Funk and Wagnall’s front porch . . . hermetically sealed . . .

Truck Drivers Changing Lanes

Screenshot 2018-03-23 at 6.27.38 AM

Car Drivers Changing Lanes

Screenshot 2018-03-23 at 6.29.25 AM.png

Me – Driving and Changing Lanes

21 / 23 times  = 91.3%

Who was the best on Friday at using turn signals during this two hour sample?

Not I, but the truck drivers.  I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that it was a smaller sample.  And I was surprised as I was expecting other car drivers to be at 2% or less due to recent driving experiences when I know that no one used turn signals.  Are tally marks the best recording device?  Perhaps not, but they can verify or eliminate an initial hypothesis . . . and lead one to a different question or data collection method!

What data are you collecting today? 

How will you collect it? 

How will you display it?

Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Deb, Kathleen, Lanny, Melanie, and Stacey for this daily forum each March. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here.                                                                                                      slice of life 2016

9 responses

  1. Data collected while driving sounds a bit dangerous. 🙂 I am quite annoyed by the person who is turning onto the street I’m turning out of and they don’t signal. I predict that more cars who get the equipment that beeps when you don’t signal will up the percentage of signal usage. Of course, I guess they can disable it, so then you are back to square one.

    1. I agree. When waiting (somewhat patiently) and there is no turn signal used, it is aggravating when a driver slams on the brakes and suddenly turns! I haven’t heard about that equipment. I like the premise!

    1. It was my first work with google sheets . . . interesting!

  2. The data you collect while driving can be quite fascinating. Kathy and I have started something that is totally useless information but passes the time. Are there more UPS or FedEx trucks on the road as we are traveling?

    1. Sometimes you need to break up the monotony of traveling. Unofficially, without numbers, I would say UPS in my area. Good question!

  3. I really love how you made data fun (when does THAT happen?). I also get quite annoyed when people switch lanes without turn signals!

    1. Thanks! I love data but I’m also about usable and does it really matter. Not all data is equal but that also wasn’t the point. I was sure I was 100% so it was good for me to collect some data on myself. LOL!

      And yes, the driver who is already halfway into my lane that hits the signal once is my newest pet peeve! Worse than none!

      1. Great thought to ponder here: “I love data but I’m also about usable and does it really matter.”

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