#SOL18: New Year’s Resolutions




Yes, New Year’s Resolutions on August 14th!

Screenshot 2018-08-13 at 10.26.37 PM.png


What are YOUR Resolutions for the New School Year?

Where will you begin?

___ Online query (Facebook, twitter, instagram)

___ Professional Learning Community (Summer book study or Back to school updates)

___ Texts Read this Summer (180 Days, A Novel Approach, Kids First from Day 1, Engaging Children, Writers Read Better, Sparks in the Dark, To Know and Nurture a Reader, What’s the Best that Could Happen? Teach Like Yourself, What are you Grouping For?)

___ Blog posts ( TWT Blog Series – Dreaming Big in this Year’s Writing Workshop)

___ Personal mission/vision statement

___  Searching for a Fun, New, Community Building Activity

___ Other

Why does it matter?

Time is the most precious commodity in your classroom.  How will your use of time reflect your priorities?

Rules?  or Expectations?

Fun?  or Meaningful?

“Will your students READ, WRITETALK, and THINK on Day 1?  Day 2?  Day 3? . . .

What will your students LEARN this year?

What processes will you put in place to help set the stage?”

YOU, the teacher

Not you, the entertainer

You, the teacher


Growing and Learning







Setting the Stage

Crafting Experiences

What is on your list of New School Year’s Resolutions? 

What are your priorities? 

Will you be the “best teacher” that you can be?

Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Deb, Kathleen, Kelsey, Lanny, Melanie, and Stacey for this weekly forum. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here.                                                                                                      slice of life 2016

For more information, this is the blog post I read before writing my post. Thanks for the inspiration, Mr. G:   I might just teach   

10 responses

  1. Ack- this is quite an agenda! Finished day 7 with kids today and I am filled with awe and wonder again- I love my job and am glad there are people like you to remind me how much more I can do!

    1. Erika,
      The sky is the limit! So much room for ALL of us to grow! Day 7! Yay! Hope all is well in a new school, home and country!

  2. I also think of this as the real New Year. Teachers officially start back on Monday and the kids start a week later. I am changing grades and have a long list of resolutions.

    1. Reflection, embracing change! You are a great model! 🙂

  3. My resolution as a no-longer-in-the-classroom teacher is to write honestly about what it was like to teach in a school with little support from colleagues and administrators…because, now I can.

    1. Tara,
      It’s scary that so many voices are united outside school buildings and even states. Seeking out supportive communities is both easier and harder in social media! ❤

  4. LOVE this message Fran. We have emphasized the impact of increasing the volume of reading and yet in so many classrooms that is virtually nonexistent. So happy to see this post this morning!

    1. Thanks, Sis! I didn’t have a clue what I was going to write after last night’s #TWTBlog chat. But the ideas in my brain continued a compelling message after reading Brent’s post. Teaching has never been about the “show”. ❤

  5. You are so right, Fran. For teachers New Year’s Resolutions don’t just happen January 1st. I think the goal is probably the same from year to year – to help our students grow into the best persons they can be, although the means to that goal changes year to year depending on the students we have, their needs, and the constantly changing tools we have at our disposal.

    1. Love that. Of course the REAL goals are that the students will LOVE reading and writing and will be more confident and successful . . . not that they will “pass” a test. Keeping our eye on the prize is always important!

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