#SOL19: Unexpected

Forecasts warned

Weather maps with new colors

Falling temps

Records anticipated.

Piles of snow

Rhythmic slapping of tree branches

Blowing snow – sometimes hazy, sometimes white outs

And cold.

Can’t catch your breath cold.

Hurts when you breathe cold.

No tracks in the snow cold.

Pristine snow.

The Weather Channel says:

screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.05.37 am

screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.05.18 am





The ticker tape at the bottom of the TV screen lists the school closings. Plans to keep all safe.  Time to tackle that TBR or TBW list. Check for extra supplies.

Check on a neighbor. And a neighbor’s pets.

What plans do you make, in times of weather uncertainty, for you and your household? 

How do you prepare for the “Unexpected” in your life?

Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Deb, Kathleen, Kelsey, Lanny, Melanie, and Stacey for this weekly forum from Two Writing Teachers. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here.

Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.12.16 AM.png

15 responses

  1. I’m amazed by the anticipated lows heading your way. Weather is a force to be reckoned with, and we certainly tend to increase the drama of it. Earlier this month the much hyped storm had me writing haiku:

    Big Storm’s Coming

    grocery store chaos
    toilet paper, bread, and milk
    the new trinity

    That about sums up my preparation! Stay warm and safe!!!

    1. Love your haiku. The grocery store has some empty aisles after the weather forecast. 🙂

  2. Those purple swirls can’t be good. Stay warm!

    1. I know. Weather maps should not be that colorful! Just not!

  3. Just reading your post makes me aware of the cold and more so because we have nothing like that here, in South India 🙂

    1. Weather, and especially extreme weather, is an interesting phenomena. Even Florida was predicted to have some snow. 🙂

  4. We are preparing for an icy blast Wednesday and Thursday with temps back up in the 40’s by the weekend. I can’t remember when we has our last full precipitation free week. At one of the perks of being retired is not having to go out in the cold. Didn’t need to go to the store, but I am sure the shelves were cleaned with the French Toast alert.

    1. Many folks were going to wait til this evening to cancel for two days; temperatures intervened. I don’t envy anyone those decisions. Best to be inside, cozy, warm, and reading, on wintry days.

  5. You’ve captured this cold, cold January so well. Stay warm and safe.

    1. That is the major goal!

  6. I’m just watching the ABC World News and am horrified at what’s happening around the country. We’ve got some headed our way, but nothing like what I’m hearing. I’d love one to get caught up on TBR and TBW. I’ve got mac and cheese and Twizzlers ready to go! Stay safe and warm!

    1. I don’t know if one can ever truly get caught up… But maybe make a dent in the TBR stack, Thanks!

  7. Thinking of you and all my midwestern friends. Stay safe and warm.

    1. Oh, yes! Working on it!

  8. I have been thinking of you in this crazy cold! I can not imagine braving such conditions. But as you said, you are prepared! Stay safe!

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