#SOL19: Day 10 SOLSC

Comfort Food

It’s a rainy, rainy, rainy, windy Saturday and time to cook.  Cook just one part of my favorite.  One that I’ve made but never from scratch. And today it’s only the filling. Not the dough.  The dough would require another trip to the grocery store . . .


A family staple.

Fillings vary.




Bake in rows

By the dozens

Assembly line production

 A family tradition.

Many required for the first are inhaled. Taste buds reactivated.


Family treat.

Family necessity. Always a quick reminder of so many events. So many treasured days.  Today I made my own poppy seed filling and served it up on toast – idea courtesy of my brilliant younger sister.


Comfort food = kolaches

5 minutes . . .

Spark! From Paula Bourque

“Word Sparks

Words are a vessel for meaning. A single word can conjure up thoughts, stimulate memories, and/or stir emotions. Providing a single word as a quick write spark can demonstrate the power of a single word. It need not be profound like Patriotic, it can be as simple as Chair, in which thoughts of snuggling with a loved one, or shopping for a family one, or being forced to sit in one as punishment might be conjured in a flash.

You can find words in a dictionary, randomly point to one in a text, or use my friend Jennifer Laffin’s Word of the Day on her TeachWrite Facebook Page. She also has an Email List with tips, ideas and inspiration for teacher writers.”  Link

What is your comfort food?  Your family tradition?

Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Deb, Kathleen, Kelsey, Lanny, Melanie, and Stacey for this daily March forum from Two Writing Teachers. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here.

Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.12.16 AM.png

14 responses

  1. Love the question and would love to have a recipe for kolaches. Simple, effective poem. My mouth is watering! Thanks, Fran!

    1. Lynne,
      I have not digitized my recipe but this would be close from A Taste of Home. https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/bohemian-kolaches/

  2. Your post has me thinking of the comfort foods in my life. Love how your comfort word inspired a slice. You’ve got me thinking… and hungry!

    1. Christine,
      Apparently I woke up hungry or needed to make sure that the filling tasted as good on Day 2 as it did on Day 1! Hope you found a comfort food this morning!

  3. I make Kolache at Christmas. Prune Lekvar) filling is my favorite, but most of my family members are partial to a raspberrry filling that I buy b the can.
    My comfort food is pizza. I can never have it too often.

    1. Diane,
      My mom makes a prune filling that is amazing. Some days I cannot decide between the poppyseed and prune. Raspberry sounds good!

  4. When we choose FOOD words there are always so many memories, feelings, sensory images, and recipes that instantaneously come to mind. It’s a great choice for quick writes because almost everyone has an entry point into the writing. Now I want to check out kolaches!

    1. I found it so interesting that I went to a poetic form part way through a timed writing because of all the reasons you listed! Thank you for Spark!

  5. These look delicious, Fran. I have never had one. Our neighbor would make Kolach Rolls rolls for Easter. So would many of the churches in our area. However, these were nut or poppy seed rolls. Nut rolls were my favorite.

    1. I googled Kolach Rolls and found this https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/220763/old-world-poppy-seed-roll/
      Ours look more like a flattened out roll with a fruit filling in the middle a la a thumbprint cookie . . . I might try this with some crescent dough!

  6. Ugh! What don’t I eat as comfort food. I love food too much! I love the poem. I love poems about the simplest things in our lives.

    1. So true. Tuna noodle casserole on Fridays in Lent. Spanish rice is another evening meal – a fill’er’up meal . . .

  7. […] (And yes, astute readers . . . I just wrote about them last month here!) […]

  8. […] tells me that I’ve written about kolaches as a part of family and home here, here, here and […]

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