#SOL19: A Mystery

My favorite series as an early reader was Nancy Drew.  Nancy Drew and the Secret of the Old Clock was the first one.

  Screenshot 2019-07-01 at 4.39.54 PM.png

I didn’t really understand college, the job of a defense attorney, nor a housekeeper but I devoured them all.  I did understand that there was a mystery for Nancy to solve and that she always ended up in more trouble before she actually solved the mystery named in the title. I was simultaneously working my way through the Hardy Boys and was even more clueless about what a “roadster” was other than what I saw in the picture as those didn’t exist in my world.

Courtesy of the Elementary Book Love Summer Book Club, I am rereading The Parker Inheritance.  It’s a mystery, a puzzle, and definitely historical fiction.  I’ve been fascinated by the time periods because they are similar to my life.

Screenshot 2019-07-01 at 6.58.17 AM

There are two different sets of characters.  In the present we have:


In the 1950’s we have:



How will it turn out? Will Candace and Brandon solve the mystery?

Who is James Parker?  What happened to the Washingtons? 

What will happen to Candace’s family?  And what about Brandon’s future?

. . .  more sketching ideas to come.  This is totally a work in progress. The book study began Monday, July 1.  Join  summerbookclub.org and help put libraries in classrooms as well as discuss some great books!

Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this weekly forum. Check out the writers and readers here.

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8 responses

  1. I LOVE the sketches that capture your current thinking and questions about your reading! It is so important that teachers explore a variety of ways of sharing their own thinking about their reading and then offer a variety of ways for children of all ages to share their own thinking! Can’t wait for updates! Thanks for sharing

    1. You are welcome!
      I’m working on writing about reading AGAIN this summer. Sketching has me thinking about surface meaning vs. deeper meaning. No Flairs with me so the pencil drawn seemed drab. Just adding color changed my ideas and attitude toward my drawing. Definitely more later!

  2. Catherine Nash | Reply

    So many great reading memories going back years. Makes me want to dig back into some old favourites and see what craft moves I can borrow…or maybe just wallow in the reading again. Happy reading (and writing)!

    1. Catherine,
      There are many spin offs of the old series to explore (as well as the originals). I love that idea of “just wallow in the reading again.”

  3. Your summer reading connects some to mine – I am reading an old series (Avi’s Poppy Series that I never read). You are inspiring me to not just be a plot reader but to sketch as I go so I do go deeper. Thanks for the nudge. Also, just seeing the Nancy cover brought back so many happy reading memories from my childhood!! Thanks for your post!

  4. As a kid I was a big fan of the Hardy boys which is why I still enjoy a good mystery story even today. I am not familiar with the book you mentioned. I will need to check it out. I like your sketching idea, Fran. It would be a great way for students to show a book they have read instead of a typical written book report.

  5. Reading Kate Messner’s Breakout for summer book club. Your post reminds me to spend some time wondering in my notebook. I started The Parker Inheritance on audio, but it was snatched back before I finished it. I need to check it out again.

    1. Ramona, you do want to check it out again. Loved Breakout!

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