#SOL19: #OLW Celebrate

My One Little Word (#OLW) was out in force this holiday weekend.


So many choices . . .  It was a family weekend . . .

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Relatives  and a funeral

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Saturday Wedding

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The beginning of the NCAA football season . . .

Sunday AMarekN Family

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Monday Labor Day Dinner and 15 Mareks/Ruths

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A blog post for Literacy Lenses:  All Learning is Social and Emotional:  Helping Students Develop Essential Skills for the Classroom and Beyond.  (link)

It began with a text!

“Good morning, Fran. Just realized you’re in the great state of Iowa and so am I this weekend!  My brother lives in Kalona.  How far am I from you?”

The irony.

And so noteworthy!

On Saturday we were playing cards at my aunt Janie’s in Kalona which is about 100 miles from my home.  I was there in Kalona the day before.  Kalona, a town in the northwest part of the county where I grew up.

It was an irresistible invitation. We solved the problems of the world, literacy, schools, and the state of education on Sunday when I met up with Dayna Wells, from California, that I met in real life in New York City at a TCRWP Saturday reunion over four and a half years ago (Link). A reader. A writer.  A blogger.  A Slicer. A TCRWP learner!

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How did you celebrate Labor Day weekend 2019?

What were your choices?  

Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this weekly forum. Check out the writers and readers here.

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4 responses

  1. What a busy holiday you had, Fran. It is great meeting up with friends and fellow bloggers (I can attest to that). Now, could you please send your world solutions to those who can and would do something with them? 🙂

  2. I like the way your celebrated Labor Day Weekend, Fran. It is just the way it should be – with family and friends. I celebrated the end-of-summer with good happenings, too. The family needed it. My slice makes note of that in my Scrumptious! Taste NYC. We wanted to make the weekend special for my son’s birthday since he has had mixed emotions this year.

  3. That’s so much fun! What a small world!

  4. What an amazing occurance! Confirmed our connection, renewed weary teacher soul and lifted my spirit to hang with YOU! Thank you for the beautiful conversation, book and card. And I mean it – come to California and let’s get some PD going! You’re amazing!

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