#SOL19: Changes


No moon

No stars

Cloudy?  Who can tell?


Colder than usual

For over a month

Two measurable snows

Daylight arrives earlier

Nighttime arrives earlier

Tired arrives earlier





Rhythms of Life

Screenshot 2019-11-05 at 6.14.07 AM

Last week’s “First Snow”

Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this weekly forum. Check out the writers and readers here.

Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.12.16 AM.png

12 responses

  1. “Tired arrives earlier.” Amen!

    1. Anticipated, Delivered, and yet “shocked”. It just seems so abrupt every year!

  2. Although change can be good I admit that I am not a fan of darkness at 4:30. Well it’s only for four months.

    1. Not forever. True. But it is so dark!!!

  3. It is so strange! The way the days evolve and change into darker and grayer chills is always surprising even though I know to anticipate it.

    1. Seriously, I have seen this pattern for decades. Why is it so hard? 🙂

  4. Uff. Tired really does arrive earlier. Thanks for this poem today. The perfect dose of now. ❤️

  5. The evening is hard, but the morning daylight is welcome!

    1. Yes, I need to celebrate the morning daylight!

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