#SOL20: Harvest Celebrations

Screenshot 2020-07-28 at 3.13.52 PM

Harvest:  what do you celebrate?

  • Is it the season?
  • The produce?
  • The process?
  • The product?

What does harvest mean to you?

Sit with your definition for a minute.  Pause.  Reflect.

Harvest: (n.)

the process or period of gathering in crops.
“helping with the harvest”   (Oxford Dictionary)
My summer sewing harvest the last four months has been bountiful:
A dinosaur glow in the dark quilt
6 “Bunny” wall hangings
6 soup bowl cozies
4 Fourth of July table runners
An assist with a quilt for a graduate
2 sets of pajamas
20 different items.
2 for me.
Is it the envisioning?
Is it the design?
Is it the construction?
Is it the gift giving?
Today’s harvest
corn on the cob,
pickled beets,
bread and butter pickles.
No waiting.
Ready to eat
Fresh from the garden
And from the Farmer’s Market!
Not a “FALL” harvest;
A JULY harvest! 
A concrete harvest.
A purposeful harvest.

But is there more?

Also today . .  .
I noticed . . .
The lowering of the TBR stack
The conversations about blog posts
The list of books read
The list of blogs written
My reading notebook
My writing notebook
   . . . And the ideas swirling in my head!
A plethora of reading and writing accomplished . . .
As well as a list yet to come.

What does your harvest look like? 

What will you celebrate? 

How and when will you celebrate?

Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this weekly forum. Check out the writers and readers here.

Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.12.16 AM.png

6 responses

  1. Interesting concept of “harvest”. I like the sewing bountiful harvest!
    At first I thought of actual food. I volunteer at our local food bank and help to plant, weed, and harvest produce to give to needy families. Since March 2020 we have harvested over 400 pounds of produce.
    But if I’m going to think about harvesting in a novel way, I could think about it as harvesting friendships. I’ve invested a long time on making friends and it’s nice that now those friends reach out to me.
    Thank you for sharing your unique perspective.

    1. OMG…. Love harvesting friendships!

  2. Me, I like to harvest knowledge. There is so much I don’t know that I look for new ideas wherever I am and whatever I’m doing. If I can plant the seeds of knowledge in someone else then there will never be a famine.

    1. Awesome! Slow thinking . . . Love this!

  3. Kathleen Neagle Sokolowski | Reply

    This is so joyful Fran! It makes me think of all the beauty we can reap from what we sow….in so many different areas of our life. I am glad for our July bounty!

  4. Fran, what an awesome expansion of the definition of harvest. With your first questions, I did stop to pause and consider what part of “harvest” I thought of when I think of celebrating the harvest. Of course, my thoughts went to corn and soybeans being harvested in northwest Iowa. Your beautiful post has expanded my thinking! I love your sewing projects, your garden produce, and the writing and reading harvests of delicious ideas to celebrate! My harvests these days are a refrigerator full of delicious components for so many meals. I try to be a good steward nowadays and reuse leftovers in new ways. I’m always proud when I use up and don’t waste any food. I too, have a harvest of reading and writing going on now, as I plan for next year and work on a certificate program. Thanks for this lovely slice of your productive life!

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