#SOLSC21: Radical?

Yes, Radical voices from the middle describes me.

In life, we need a balance. In literacy we need balance. We will never make it to compre-action without skills. But skills are not the end goal. Action as a result of deeper understanding is the goal!

I agree with P. David Pearson.

Noted teacher, leader, researcher. You can read more about him here.

In 2020, he just completed a study of comprehension. Here’s the executive summary.


1. Knowledge is cause, consequence, and covariate of reading comprehension.

2. Language drives every facet of reading comprehension.

3. Reading is an inherently cultural activity.

Pearson, P. D., Palincsar, A. S., Biancarosa, G., & Berman, A. I. (Eds.). (2020). Reaping
the Rewards of the Reading for Understanding Initiative. Washington, DC: National Academy of Education.

Knowlege and language are essential for comprehension and compre-action, a term coined by P. David Pearson and Nell Duke. There’s no one easy, magic, silver bullet for improving reading comprehension. Part of that is because of the definition. Part of that is because of the way comprehension is assessed. Flaws in assessment exacerbate the issues.

Radical middle.

Yes, that’s me.

Let’s get rowdy.

Let’s get to work.

What seems radical about reading comprehension? What do you believe and value? Where will you learn more?


Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this daily forum during the month of March. Check out the writers and readers here.

Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.12.16 AM.png

6 responses

  1. I hope this study has a great impact. The connections of language snd culture to reading comprehension are infinite and clear to teachers working with English Language Learners. But many “silver bullets” continue to be shot at these learners while language and culture are not always acknowledged.

    1. Diane, I’m sure many quick fixes will be cranked out. A knowledgeable, skilled teacher has the greatest impact.

  2. “There’s no one easy, magic, silver bullet for improving reading comprehension”- this line really sticks with me. It is so important for us to remember that Reading Comprehension is not a program and that all learners need different methods to attain this. Thank you for sharing this today!

    1. You are welcome, Katie. This report confirmed that reading comprehension is complicated@

  3. I often feel that some of the “silver bullets” out there are fired only because the shooter wants to hit green with silver and these quick fixes do nothing to enable permanent understanding. So many factors come into play when dealing with reading comprehension. Again, it all goes back to the student and what s/he needs for success.

    1. So true.
      Follow the green!

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