#SOLSC21: Anticipation

The ticker flies across the screen. Refusing to wait for the county name in the alphabetical list, I stare at the map.

“Great, only two colors. Six counties way north are pink. The counties above I-80 are snow alerts.”

Meanwhile, the rain continues.

The radar map flashes. Green, yellow, red, white and purple.

The wind gusts from 20 mph to 40 mph.

Meanwhile, the rain continues.

Projections of up to 8 inches of snow.

Wait, wasn’t it 70 degrees for three consecutive days this week?

Meanwhile, the rain continues.

With one ear, I listen to the wind whistling . . .

A continuous, whiny, blowing sound.

Meanwhile, the rain continues.

I check the temperature.

It’s hovering at 40 degrees – near the expected average.

Meanwhile, the rain continues.

The Ides of March are upon us,

Signifying a new year, debts are due, or the death of Julius Caesar.

Meanwhile, the rain continues.

What are your predictions for the day? And what are they based on?


Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this daily forum during the month of March. Check out the writers and readers here.

Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.12.16 AM.png

11 responses

  1. Does March usually have sharp contrasts in the weather where you live? We can get snow, but it doesn’t stick around. Not often big snows of 8 inches. The Ides of March…all I am thinking is halfway through March and almost to spring!

    1. Lynne, yes, March can see contrasts. We can even have snow in May. Rare but possible. Poor green plants pushing up through the dirt!

  2. After our cold, blustery January and February, we are enjoying the warmer breezes of March. My predictions for the day are based on the extended weather forecast promising us a fairly nice Spring Break, and time away from work to enjoy them!

    1. So glad that you have a great forecast. I’m watching the list of school closings and delays on the TV as I write this.

  3. Here comes the sun! Meanwhile, the rain continues.

    1. What a contrast!. Still rain. So far.

  4. Blustery winds, blue skies, bright sunshine…but no rain here. That’s coming later this week.

    1. Just wait. We will be sending it your way!

  5. I love how you chose to add repetition with the line:
    Meanwhile, the rain continues.
    Your post reminds me how background knowlege helps me to predict.
    However, things like the weather can’t be controlled so predictions may not happen.

    1. I refuse to look at the rain gauge. The ground is so swampy and squishy loud!

  6. It sounds awful, I fully sympathise with the sense of doom in your slice!!

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