#SOLSC22: 12

This is not the post that was planned for today.

This is not the post I ever wanted to write.

But life’s plans are not . . . always ours to choose.

This format is so appropriate.

Which story should I tell?

The polka cruise?

The trip to Rome?

How someone’s favorite dinner was at the Hard Rock in Rome?

A graduation road trip to Florida?

The promise to deliver Mom to a family event?

Or just the fun of the weekly card games?

Hand and foot (rules here)

Hand and foot with the elders

Hand and foot with the elders at Aunt Janie’s

Hand and foot with the elders at Aunt Janie’s with much laughter

Hand and foot with the elders at Aunt Janie’s with much laughter and many stories

Hand and foot with the elders at Aunt Janie’s with much laughter, many stories and scrumptious food

Winning at hand and foot with the elders at Aunt Janie’s with much laughter, many stories and scrumptious food

Winning at hand and foot when Aunt Shirley was one of my partners with the elders at Aunt Janie’s with much laughter, many stories and scrumptious food.

You lived , loved and fought valiantly, Aunt Shirley.

You were a blessed addition to our family, the treasure Uncle Leo found at a dance.

Thank you for all the time we had; we of course were greedy and wished for more.

Thank you, courageous Aunt Shirley Ruth.

Enjoy your new choices of card partners, raucous winning card games and polka dances ahead.

Photo by Alexas_Fotos on Unsplash

What memories are you making today? How will you remember the important people in your life?


Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this daily forum during the month of March.

Check out the writers and readers here.

Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.12.16 AM.png

11 responses

  1. Not what we want to write, but when it is what life brings, the writing is tribute and comfort.

    1. Yes, comfort and tribute.
      Hard to sort through

  2. So true about not going to plan. But what wonderful memories came up. Love being included in your sifting thoughts.

    1. Thanks, Julieanne.
      I love extending a sentence one phrase at a time and waiting to see where it takes me.

  3. These kinds of posts are difficult to write, but they need to be written for us and for our loved one. The building to the end is very effective.

    1. Thanks, Bob. “need to be written”

  4. Fran, so sorry about your aunt. I know what an amazing niece you were to her. ❤️

  5. So sorry to hear of your loss. She sounds like she was well loved. Sending you hugs.

    1. Thanks, Erika.
      So many great memories.
      Just not yet ready to let go!

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