
Today is Day 19 of the Slice of Life Story Challenge 2022.

As I began planning for this slice, I had a difficult time with my focus. There are so many facets that I could highlight especially on this day of virtual learning at TCRWP. Which ones? #NCTE15, TCRWP Saturday Reunion learning together, BookLove, or the virtual book baskets. Thanks for so many “gifts” to choose from!

I remember NCTE15 when I arrived early for a session about reading assessment. I was eager to meet the authors. Others in the room were Lynne Dorfman, Vicki Vinton, Ruth Ayres, and Jennifer Serravallo to name a few. As the session began I looked around and folks were sitting on the floor because they were anxious to learn and we had “exceeded the room capacity” for the number of chairs in the room. (link) This session about Assessment in Perspective was near and dear to my heart as it matched my own values and views of assessment.

I want to remind readers that the deadline for BookLove grants for classroom libraries is April 1st. You can find more information here.

The biggest gift to teachers during the pandemic has been this virtual bookroom. (Link) Thank you for this resource and the many hours of work it represents, Clare Landrigan.

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How to use the book room . . . (link)

How do you “meet needs” of students and educators? How do you promote book love?


Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this daily forum during the month of March.

Check out the writers and readers here.

Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.12.16 AM.png

10 responses

  1. You are a mentor to me today, Fran, as I used your format and ended with THANK YOU. I look I see you in a session today!!

    1. I loved your lengthy lists of blogs and can’t wait to peruse them AFTER the reunion!

    2. What a day! Love that you used the format idea!

  2. With so many wonderful choices it is sometimes hard to find our focus. You always share such valuable information and resources. Thanks, Fran.

  3. Thanks, Fran! Seems like ages ago and it was … so glad we met and stay connected all of these years.

    1. We transcend time and miles! So much respect for your work!

  4. A great shout out, Fran! Miss you, and hope that this NCTE will be in person!

    1. I believe we will all be at NCTE in person!

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