#SOLSC23: Piecing

My confidence is soaring. My FirstThhe Log Cabin looks great. My Round the World is ready for the quilter. And I just ventured into a new territory – Paper Piecing. It was only 12 pieces. Slow and steady meant it turned out okay. Two hours for an eight inch square.

What is piecing?

The pattern

Possible fabric

Voila! Two hours later . . .

A great deal of trepidation. New concept. Paper piecing is sewn through the paper and the fabrics are all below the paper.

12 pieces correctly joined together. A border was added. Ready for quilting and binding.

Definitely more practice is needed as this center with 12 pieces was a five-inch square. My project will end up being 50 x 60 inches or more!

Quote about piecing

Poem about quilting:

Fabrics of all hues,

Voices celebrating JOY!

Quilters planning

Ideas posted on design walls.

Quilters sewing

Matching fabrics and points.

Quilters sharing

Tools, patterns, and flimsies.

Quilters quilting

In all shapes and sizes.

Besides quilts, what else do we “piece” in our lives? How do we “join as whole” or “repair, renew, or complete?


Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this daily March forum. Check out the writers and readers here.

7 responses

  1. I love the craft moves you used for this slice. The definition added another depth as I thought I knew what that word meant but loved seeing the multiple meanings. I love your repetition of quilters in your poem. The line: Voices celebrating JOY! is a perfect personification of a quilt. SO glad you added the photos of the steps you took along the way and the lovely square creation at the end. A lovely piece which I found it renewing!

  2. So many metaphors in quilting, and so many symbols and representations exist within them. I love envisioning you piecing them together. This is another post that’s inspiring me to get my knitting needles back out. That’s my form of quilting– the closest I’ll get!

  3. I enjoy your thoughts to ponder at the end. I like how they consolidate the many pieces in your writing, making the message portable for your reader (or me).

  4. I really admire your blog posts because I always learn so much! There’s almost always a poem, a quote or quotes, instructions on how to do something, a visual of some kind. I love going to shops in Lancaster to look at the quilts. They are exquisite works of art. Please write more pieces about quilting!

  5. Your post makes me want to start crafting right now! Love your poem and especially the lines “Fabrics of all hues,/Voices celebrating JOY!”

  6. Paper piecing is not one of Kathy’s favorite things to do. However, the look you get from paper piecing can’t be achieved any other way. I think of how we piece together ideas to reach a conclusion.

  7. Paper piecing is new to me. I find it interesting but looks like it is hard. I love your connection to piecing in our lives. Thanks

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