#SOLSC23: Memories

“I remember when I was five years old. My big brother was returning from our grandparents’ house where we did our laundry. That day the creek was flooded but my brother didn’t notice how high it was until he tried to cross it.

As he got into the water, the horse and wagon got stuck in the mud, and the water kept rising. He got ready to jump into the water to free the horse, but I watched from the safety of our barn, feeling more and more afraid. I wanted to yell at him to tell him to go back but I knew he would never hear me.

Suddenly, the wagon started to tip over, and he was thrown into the water. I thought he was going to drown, and I felt helpless. But my brother was so brave. He swam underwater to unhitch the horse. He held onto the horse’s reins.

With all his might, he pulled the horse to safety, and they made it safely to the other side of the river. When he came back to the house, I ran to him and hugged him tight, feeling relieved and grateful that he was okay.

That day, I realized how brave my big brother was. He wasn’t perfect but I was lucky to have him as my brother.”

Recounted by my uncle


Hero worship




Through thick and thin

Brothers forever.

Additional resources



He ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother” by the Hollies LInk

What memories stand out from your past? Was it something you witnessed yourself? Or a story you were told?


Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this daily forum in March. Check out the writers and readers here.

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10 responses

  1. I love all the different forms you gethered as you reflect here on one word – brothers.
    An oral history, a poem, a song line, a quote with image. The multi-genre aprpoach is powerful! And you always end with a question to keep me being curious!!
    Well done, Fran!

    1. Thanks, Sally. Trying out different combinations of story elements and background knowledge.

  2. This slice is the best story, Fran. Your brother was very brave to do what he did! Quite a story! Sounds like it could be a chapter in a book about growing up in Iowa. I read quickly to find out what happened. Great tribute to your big brother. Did you come from a large family? How old was your brother in this story?

    1. OOOH, A chapter book. What a great idea! Maybe an intergenerational chapter book!
      7 in my family.

  3. You brought me right into this scary scene, Fran. I could feel your angst and ultimate relief. Since I have a “little brother,” I enjoyed the multiple reflections…they touched my heart. Thanks!

    1. You are welcome, Rita. Trying to work in a variety of ideas!

  4. Having two brothers I can attest to the bond we share. Do we agree on all things? No way. Do we argue? At times. But we are always there supporting each other.

    1. Yes, to the bonds through the good times and the tough times!

  5. What a fantastic family story. To think how close someone could have lost a life adds the import of this heroic moment. The grit and fortitude your uncle demonstrated is amazing.

    1. Near misses do matter! So close!

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