Tag Archives: Time hop

#SOLSC20: Day 5

ah, today

Time hop:  Day 5 Idea from 2016 #SOLSC (link)

today:  i breathe and find joy in this life of mine

today:  is a day scheduled with two webinars and a #G2Great chat with Shana & Katy

want to be:  outside enjoying the nice weather

blessings:  my two grandsons, my daughter-in-law, and son (and the rest of the sibs & kids)

thinking:  what new ideas can I add to this format?

planning:  for a big “5” birthday in two months

writing:  daily, taking risks with new formats and loving this habit!

Loving:   time to spend reading, writing, and thinking

grateful:  for my health, my blessings, and my many friends!

and today {again}: i breathe and find joy in this life of mine!


Screenshot 2020-03-04 at 10.06.06 PMWhat previous blog posts are you revisiting? 

How do you make that decision? 

How do you ENVISION your writing will go?

Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for this daily forum in March. Check out the writers and readers here.

Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 3.12.16 AM.png

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