#SOL: March Challenge Day 11 – 11 Lessons Learned

This format and idea came from Jackie’s “SOLS: Seven Days, Seven Lessons” as shared in Betsey’s call for slices today.

Slice of Life

Check out the writers, readers and teachers here. Thanks to Stacey, Anna, Beth, Tara, Dana and Betsy at “Two Writing Teachers” for creating a place for us to share our work.

11 Lessons

Here are the eleven lessons that I have learned from sharing my life with you daily this month in the March Slice of Life Story Challenge:

1. Writing is joyous.  The pride from pushing that “publish” button overwhelms my fears and doubts about whether my writing or the topic is “worthy” of readers.

2. Writing is meant to be shared.  Retweets on Twitter and comments on posts continue the conversations that begin here.  Thank you, my friends, as we continue this journey together.

3.  Writing formats make me more comfortable.  Having a framework makes it easier to begin (fewer false starts, but yet allows for personal choices, and helps me write longer and stronger. I am a pattern seeker.

4. Writing regularly, at the same time of day (on a kind of schedule) is helpful for me.  I build that time in to my routine, I make that time fit, I stretch that time when needed and I can bend time into my friend instead of my enemy with a need to “Hurry up”  and “Rush, Rush, Rush”>

5. Writing poetry or informational pieces are still the most comfortable for me. I wonder if that goes back to format?

6. Writing is a learning time. Some days I’m writing about what I am learning; other days I am sharing lessons learned and from that “sharing” comes continued learning.

7. Writing is reading . . . reading the daily call for slices, the slices, and the slicers.

8. Writing is community.  The support and friendships from slicers who take shape first as words, pictures, and posts before  bloggers become face to face friends.

9.Writing is sifting through ideas . . . determining importance . . . I have a long list that is still a list . . . patiently waiting, not yet brought to life.

10. Writing daily is a great habit to build.  It’s mentally challenging but doable and actually a great confidence builder.

11. Writing is fun. 🙂  Thinking of the reader’s reactions to my post . . . priceless!

What lessons have you learned?

17 responses

  1. Loved your list of lessons learned! Keep writing!

    1. Thanks, Erin.
      There are literally 0 reasons to stop writing!

  2. Thanks for sharing your list. I connected with your list. After hitting the publish button, I patiently wait to see how others connected.

    1. Just the “writing” by itself is incomplete. The writer does wait for the response from the audience – the readers! So true! And thanks for commenting!

  3. Here are the items that stood out for me: “Writing daily is a great habit to build.” And “Writing is joyous. ” Well, actually I could have chosen all 11, but thought I’d limit myself to just a couple, and one more: “Writing daily is a great habit to build.”

    1. Jaana,
      Thanks for commenting! Hearing from readers is such a joy!

  4. Wonderful lessons. Wonderful reason to write. Wonder what students would write give this prompt.

    1. Julieanne,
      I think it would be fun to see what students write! ❤
      Great idea!

  5. That’s a great list, Fran – I’m always drawn to writing as community, that’s what Tuesday and March SOL is all about for me.

    1. Thanks, Tara.
      I agree that community is exactly what SOL is all about! And what a GREAT community!

  6. I love this and may use it as inspiration for tomorrow’s slice. Thank you!

    1. Jessie,
      Isn’t it great! I thought about 13 for 13 as some think it’s a LUCKY and not unlucky day, but since that will be a day of travel, I’m planning something a bit easier!

      Love inspiration . . . and it’s been working off the call to slices – for me – at any rate! ❤

      1. You always inspire me. Love the idea of lucky 13 too!

  7. Love your list…especially the last one. I sometimes wonder what people will think after I write something, but I hit the “publish” button anyway.

    1. Absolutely, that “thinking” has sometimes made me pause, but it has never stopped me from “publishing”. It’s so fun to see which items in the list cause a reader to pause!


  8. My list would be so similar to yours, Fran. I agree with everything, especially “writing is joyous.” I’ve had a hard time keeping a schedule this week. Hope I can get that turned around. I feel so lucky to be on this journey with you!

    1. The dark mornings actually make it easy to “work” in the morning. (Also easier to about be “late” as it’s too dark to go NOW!)
      I’m looking forward to a 4 day weekend!

      And I so want writing to be joyous for kiddos. Not just task to check off or because teacher says so. Want kids who feel like “not writing” is almost “not breathing”. ❤
      Love my travel mates for this journey!

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