#SOL16: March Challenge Day 2 – Since Last March

How embarrassing!  I lost my post and it was NOT one that I had composed and saved anywhere but in wordpress.  Hmmm. . . thoughts for future work.

That post was based on Erin Baker’s “Since Last March” found here.


Since Last March


Since last March, I’ve been to Kentucky.

Kentucky for the birth of my grandson,

Kentucky for many holidays, 4th of July, Labor Day & Christmas,

Kentucky for the crawling, first tooth, and first steps (some via Skype).announcement










Since  March, my “baby” turned twenty five.

Twenty-five and a first time dad,

Twenty-five and an expert with bottles and burping,

Twenty-five and changing those diapers.

celebrate balloons


Since last March, I’ve said good-bye.

Good-bye to doubts and questions,

Good-bye to agreeing to impossible tasks,

Good-bye to questionable practices,

Good-bye to activities that waste precious time better spent on reading and writing!



Since last March, I’ve said hello.

hello to friends who I’ve met face to face,

hello to slicers and bloggers from #tcrwp, #ila15, #ncte15, #g2great ,

hello to books, read with friends and with kids!

2015-06-20 11.27.49


Hello, March.

It’s time to write!

49 responses

  1. Fun events this past year. I really like the format of this. Maybe for the end of March too.

    1. What a fun format! This is the perfect month to try new ideas and see how they work out. If my trying five new formats even encourages one of my teachers to try ONE, my writing was a success! ❤

      1. Well, chalk it up for a win and it is only 6am!!!

      2. What a Joyful day indeed!

  2. Love how you always push yourself to try new formats. I plan on trying that in March this year. I am somewhat stuck in how my writing goes. It works for me, but it might be nice to try some new structures. I am officially on the lookout for new structures. Thank you!

    1. Clare,
      Good to know that you are on the lookout for new structures because it does make it easier to find them! Otherwise, I am pretty stuck in my writing prep and routines. (Trying new ideas isn’t always easy or pretty!) ❤

  3. sallydonnelly11 | Reply

    LOVE this format!!!! Love that I got included on your page!!
    What a fun year you have had “Since last March”.
    And you, my friend, have shown me another format I will try.
    Thanks for all you do to teach me, sometimes in person but mostly from afar via blogging.

    1. I just went to Erin’s blog to tell her that I did use it! One of the best parts of slicing is freedom to try on new ideas and there are so many mentors in our slicing world.
      You are so welcome, my friend! 🙂

  4. I loved this. So simple yet I learned so much about you in a short space. And you’ve challenged me to step out of my writer’s box.

    1. Living the writerly life is sooooo much about stepping out of that box that I have put myself in! So true, Cindy! Thanks for commenting!

  5. Great way to recap the year! I enjoy using scaffolds in my writing. Sometimes a new organizational structure is just what is needed to keep the ideas flowing. Thanks, Fran!

    1. You are welcome, Rose! It’s just fun to try out ideas. I worried about the “goodbyes” but then figured out a way that they actually became mine!

  6. Loved this poem and its scaffold, Fran. I intend to borrow it to write in my writer’s notebook and for the kindergarten classes I am currently working with – I want to try it our with them as a shared writing experience after I model with my own writing. I love the big ideas you chose to write about – lots of changes. A good way to remind us that change can be a wonderful thing – and we should embrace it as you did here in your poem. Thank you!

    1. Lynne,
      I love the notion of embracing change. Digging my heels in and saying, “No, I won’t change!” has never been an option.

      I am thinking this would be fun in the fall when school begins as well . .

      You are so welcome, Lynne! ❤

  7. Such a great way to look back and look forward. An important practice I need to do! Lots to love in the recent past!

    1. Julieanne,
      I could see your students doing this as a reflective piece “Since last September” – what have they learned? what are they now doing? and maybe even What fears do they have about grade 6?

      Just a couple of thoughts!

  8. I love the structure of this slice Fran, and I am going to steal/borrow it! I love the peeks into your world that come through your words. Hope all is well with you.

    1. Busy, busy, busy – life, work, reading, writing!

      It’s a fun structure! I can’t wait to see what you do with it!

      1. Just finished tinkering… thank you for the inspiration!

  9. Yesterday, I saw your comment to Erin, and what a surprise to find it in place today! I love the repetition of the last word of the first line. That truly brings home the importance of word choice. I have a feeling we will be seeing this format across the month. My favorite section was about your son turning twenty-five and being a father. It made me think of my son and I love seeing the person he has become.

    1. I had some drive time thinking to puzzle it out. I hope we see a lot of this format and other ideas as well.

      I am so proud of the father that my son is. Such a joyful mother HERE! Makes all those old worries just MELT away!

  10. Love how you experiment with new formats, Fran. You certainly have had an exciting and busy year. I especially like your good byes. We should bid farewell to things that bring us down and make us doubt ourselves. We all have so much to offer.

    1. Thanks, Bob. The goodbyes for those negative energies that drain us and cause a positive mindset to falter were totally inspiration from reading last night.

      Always love this month to “try out” new structures and formats!

  11. Love this poem and the style of it. Not only will I try it, but I’m going to try it with my Creative Writing kids also. I’ll bet they like it!

    1. Thanks, Deb. I think it has a lot of potential for students!!! Just a great way to record some reflections! 🙂
      Good to “see you”!

  12. This is a happy slice, my friend – so much joy in your life right now 🙂

    1. Living a joyful life! 🙂

  13. This is such a fun slice. I missed Erica’s slice yesterday (so thanks for linking to it today).

    I adored A Handful of Stars. Be a Friend has become a fast favorite for Isabelle at bedtime. (We’re big Selina Yoon fans. I bet your grandson will be into her Bear books in about a year or so.)

    1. So many great authors and books, Stacey! The pictures in “Be a Friend” are so amazing! Each 2 page spread could be the source of many, many small moment stories!

      So loving the chance to try out different formats and learn from others during this challenge!

  14. This is an inspiring idea! Thanks for sharing. It would be fun to reflect on the last year. Our library has A Handful of Stars. I don’t want to take it from the students, but if they don’t read it soon, I may have to! We read Be A Friend in class last week. The kids really lingered in this story.

    1. Thanks for commenting, Kendra! So many ideas shared during this March Challenge!!! ❤

  15. I love this, Fran! What a great year you’ve had. Hope I’ll get to see you in New York this summer!

    1. An absolutely amazing year, Catherine, and they just keep getting better. I think it’s the company I keep!!! No, I know it’s the company I keep!

  16. Okay I love this format! I’m going to tuck it away for when I need inspiration later this month. 🙂

    1. GREAT Plan! It’s nice to have a “back up” or at least a “Plan B”.

  17. Enjoyed it! Light format but meaningful. I enjoyed the juxtaposition of grand child to son. Looking forward to following your writing this year.

    1. Thanks for commenting, Fran! Definitely not “Suessical” but a fairly easy topic can quickly share greater depths – modeling that for teachers and students takes work because we don’t have to “tell” everything! 🙂

  18. Love this format – inspiration for another slice! love your events and special times.

    1. Thanks, Bev! I am truly blessed!

  19. This was such a lovely slice! I will definitely need to experiment with the structure…there is so much you could do with it. Thank you for taking yourself out of your comfort zone and inspiring all of us. I LOVE both books you share at the end…I actually wrote about reading Be A Friend for Read Across America day in my slice today!

    1. Krista, LOVING books is a great characteristic for teachers because your love of books and reading will inspire you to find “THE BOOK” for each one of the kiddos! Salina Yoon is AMAZING!

  20. This is one of the best slices I have read, and I am going to use you as my mentor to write one of my own! I love the way you welcome us into your world. When I read your work, it feels as if I am sitting with an old friend sipping tea and talking. Can’t wait to read more!

    1. Thank you, Jessie! I have often wondered if I am a bit too informal. All I know is that I am just ME chatting with my friends. I love the picture you just painted of us sitting and drinking tea.

  21. […] post came from Erin Baker’s “Since Last March” here in 2016.  I first used it March 2, 2016.  It was fun to reflect on the changes since last […]

  22. […] The post by _____ inspired me to write _____ because… * The post by FRAN inspired me to write the poem called Since Last March because it was a poem format she modeled […]

  23. […] Fran McVeigh for teaching me this poetry format who learned it from Erin Baker’s “Since Last March” found […]

  24. […] format I’ve used here in 2016 and here in 2018 and originally from Erin Baker […]

  25. […] from Rita DiCarne, who”borrowed” it from Elisabeth Ellington who “borrowed” it from Fran McVeigh who based hers on Erin Baker‘s post. Whew. I thought I was not going to find the end of the […]

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