#SOL16: The Zoo

Our first family trip to the zoo over Easter is documented here and it’s a great review as we plan our St. Louis Zoo trip this week for summer vacation.

Have you been there?

Where would you begin?

Which animals are on your “must see” list?

What intrigues you about the shape/layout of the zoo?

SL zoo

Planning a vacation?

How is it like planning a piece of writing?

Do we need to know purpose?  Audience?

Do we need a structure?  An organizational framework?

What research should we do?

How do we explore the possibilities?

slice of life 2016

Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Dana, Deb, Kathleen, Lisa, Melanie, and Stacey for this weekly forum. Check out the writers, readers and teachers here. 

What will you be reading and writing this week?

13 responses

  1. I like your connection between planning a zoo trip and planning out a writing task! The operative word is “plan”. Both zoo trips and writing pieces require some planning, but should leave room for spontaneity and the creative muse to strike as well.

    1. Thanks . . . I love you idea of the spontaneity and the creative muse – allowing for what happens in the moment! So much fun ahead!

  2. I love taking my kids to the zoo. We’ve been every summer since they were babies. Yes. Writing is like planning a trip to the zoo. There are so many different paths to reach your destination, aren’t there? It’s like plot twists in a story. 🙂

    1. Lisa,
      Plot twists like the weather . . . the reactions of the zoo attendees . . . so much to consider!

      1. Yes! Definitely! 🙂 I was wondering, if I could pick your brain about an idea I had when you have time? If not, no worries, I’ll totally understand. 🙂

  3. Isn’t everything we do somehow connected and connectable to writing. I love the reminder and the questions you include to go along with it. Have a great time at the zoo–I have been there but not since first grade. I’m guessing the animals and maybe even the layout have changed and had some revisions. 🙂

    1. Melanie,
      I’m guessing that there are some changes every year!

      I find that most everything in life is connected to reading and writing! It sure makes it easier to answer the old, “Why do we need to know this?” if we “plan” for the questions! (just like planning for the zoo/vacation)

  4. As someone who likes to plan and know well in advance what will be happening and where we will be going, getting ready for Africa is a different experience for me since I am doing nothing and know very little about the trip. You are right, Fran, planning a trip is so much like writing. In my case research is a big part. The more I know about the places we are going the better I will be able to enjoy and appreciate what we see and do.

    1. I am sure that there are many times when my OCD kicks in and I overplan, but I like considering the possibilies in order to be more open to EVERYTHING!

  5. I think the value of knowing how to plan anything is critical to a successful process and product. Think it through before you throw yourself in so that you get what you need. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Kimberly,
      One of those “fallacies” that planning isn’t needed. Sometimes in order to be MORE flexible, MORE planning is required in order to discuss allow for more opportunities for success!

  6. Planning is the most important part of any trip…or writing endeavor. Enjoy your holiday, Fran!

    1. Kids and grandson precious time!

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